I have four friends who have dropped kiddos off for their Freshman year of college.
This rite of passage has been a mixture of tears, anxiety, excitement, stress, relief, but above all, joy.
Pictures have filled my feed of the new bedding, night stands, fans, towels, storage containers, book bags, etc. put together in some sort of fashion in an itsy-bitsy dorm room.
And as the “adopted aunt” of many of these kiddos, I’ve been contemplating the must-have items for a college care package that I plan on sending.
You see, it wasn’t that long ago since I was in college.
(At least in my mind. When I do the math, it’s been close to 20 years.)
And I remember DISTINCTLY getting a box in the mail from an extended family member or grandparent. It was like CHRISTMAS.
(At least CHRISTMAS to a 20 year old. It’s amazing what you will be thankful for when your last $3.00 went to Taco Bell after an evening out and you have no shampoo.)
And since many of my friends have boys…I thought I would put together 11 Must Have Items For A Guy’s College Care Package.
11 Must Have Items For A Guy’s College Care Package
Now, if I’m going to be honest, this whole College Care Package could be called “things needed to get a date with a nice girl”. Since having a pre-teen boy of my own, I’ve realized that “cleanliness standards” are not the same between boys and girls. But, if said boy, wants to date said nice girl, they need to step up their game.
Plus, personal care items are expensive! There are times when choices have to be made…and usually personal care items lose. So hopefully regardless of what kind of care package you put together, make sure you at least have a few of these items included.
1. Laundry Detergent. Why? Because it is number 225 on “things I should spend money on” and second, without it, the chance of getting a date is slim. (Clean clothes = Nice girl.)
2. Men’s body wash and 3. Men’s Lotion. Because a guy wants to be clean, but doesn’t want to smell like vanilla almond. Ever.
4. Mouthwash and 5. Chewing Gum. I pray that brushing teeth is a “given”. But this way, either a quick rinse with mouthwash or a new piece of gum and BAM instant fresh breath.
6. Quality Razor and 7. Shaving Cream. Do you remember the crappy razors you used in college? I do. I’m surprised my leg isn’t a permanent scar mark from them. And to make matters worse, I’d use bar soap instead of shaving cream.
My #1 MUST HAVE item (regardless if it is a girl or a guy), is a new QUALITY razor.
I totally lucked out when I picked up this Schick Xtreme 3 razor at Dollar General. It comes with 5 sets of their 3-blade flex and pivot system and it was only $5.25. Seriously, that is a MONTHS worth of awesome shaving experiences for the same price as a Starbucks.
8. Oreos. I have never met anyone who doesn’t like Oreos. Sometimes, it is the small things that can take a date from “bleh” to “wow”.
9. Lip Balm. Kissing cracked and dry lips is gross. #justsaying
10. Pen and 11. Pre-Stamped Cards. One, because you want to encourage said boy to write to his mom and dad. And second, you want to get a thank you note for you college care package…might as well make it fool proof.
I think that covers it…my 11 Must Have Items For A Guy’s College Care Package aka…Things Needed To Get A Date With A Nice Girl. Hope it works…but I doubt they will ever tell me. College needs to have a few secrets.

If you like this article, be sure to check out 8 Creative College Care Package Ideas.
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Schick®. The opinions and text are all mine.
All good ideas….EXCEPT…if you are mailing a package, the USPS does not allow liquids or propellants. So…..no liquid detergent, no shaving cream, no mouthwash, etc.
USPS lets me ship liquid all the time to my niece for care packages (laundry soap, mouthwash etc.). They just need to know the liquid. Any flammable liquid is obviously not permitted.