Happy Saturday!
Have you stayed WARM and DRY this week? I loved seeing the snow come down on Thursday, but was not as fond of it when I was running errands on Friday.
(And on a side note, WHERE IS THE SUN?!?!?!?! This has been the GREY-IST winter/fall on record, EVER. Like Seattle, only not as much good music.)
So, this week, all of the things that I’m LOVING are dedicated to being my ray of sunshine on a cloudy day.
1. Trader Joe’s Lavender Salt Scrub.
Is anyone else’s skin SUPER itchy right now? Seriously, I think given the opportunity, I could itch my belly down to a bloody pulp. Whenever I get this way, I know it is time to do a little self-care and scrub down with some sort of body scrub to eliminate all the dead skin.
(That was too much information, right? Sorry. I don’t filter very well anymore.)
Usually I make my own body scrubs (here is my Grapefruit & Peppermint Body Scrub recipe) because I like adding essential oils and I like controlling the ingredients. But I’ve been burning the candle at both ends here lately and I just didn’t have enough time to whip up a batch.
So when I was purchasing my weekly wine supply at Trader Joe’s (don’t act surprised), I stumbled on this Lavender Salt Scrub for $6.00 and said SOLD.
The list of ingredients is simple. And since, it uses lavender essential oil, I was able to add a few other essential oils to the container to create my “own” scent. Relaxing spa shower for the cost of a Grande Latte at Starbucks. SOLD.
Bye-Bye itchy skin!
2. Contigo Water Bottle
In a previous I LOVE THESE THINGS, I wrote about my trainer and our three-times a week 5:30 workouts.
Many people have asked me HOW I am able to get up (and function) at 5:30 in the morning. The answer is pretty simple…I set out EVERYTHING the night before.
- Shoes. Check.
- Clothes. Check.
- Coat. Check.
- Filled Water Bottle With Ice. Check.
Water Bottle with ICE? The night before? WTH?
Yes, my friends, I’m not making this up.
This Contigo Stainless Steel Water Bottle keeps things cold for 12 hours. So I fill it full of water and ice before I go to bed and just grab it in the morning (when I’m half asleep stumbling to the car) and my water is ICY COLD. It’s also great for the pool, long car rides, outings, etc.
By far and away, it is the best water bottle I own. And I never let my kids touch it because I love it so much and they would lose it.
3. Wedge Boots
I’ve been on the hunt for Wedge Boots for over a year.
Because there are trendy…they needed to be three things: adorable, comfortable and affordable.
It took a little hunting, but I found them…the Marco Republic Wedge Boots (via Amazon for only $30).
I got the tip on these booties via the Stitch Fix B/S/T Facebook Group (that has OVER 30,000 members) and after reading the over 300 reviews on Amazon (no joke, it’s bananas), I bought a pair.
Without a doubt, they are everything I wanted them to be…cute, affordable and comfortable.
And did I mention they are only $30? THIRTY DOLLARS!!!
I can’t remember the last time I paid less than $80 for a pair of boots. CRAE-CRAE, peeps. CRAZY.
And here are some things you loved this week:
Top Instagram Post of the Week
And because I died LAUGHING, here is NFL Playoff Laughter for you.
See past editions of I LOVE These Things.
Love those wedges and wishing I had a Trader Joe’s (once again) since that stuff sounds amazing! Winters here are just brutal on the skin! xo