This week about did me in…
Between the kids being out of school on Monday and Tuesday (and fighting like cats and dogs for four days straight), a list a mile long of meetings, conference calls, cross country dinners and meets, soccer games and practices, and to top it all off, I started my period…I was pretty sure someone was going to die.
(And that someone was not me…let us be PERFECTLY clear about that.)
But it’s Saturday. And tomorrow is Sunday. And I’m so ready to get my ducks in a row and enjoy this weekend. Anyone else?
Here are the things this week that are making me happy…
1. Fart Blaster
My nephew, Wyatt, is turning THREE tomorrow.
And, I take my status as “best gift giver, ever” very seriously. It makes “the best aunt ever” status possible.
When I saw this Minion Fart Blaster at Target earlier in the week, it took me 60 seconds to determine it was “the gift”.
(I also take my status of “favorite sister-in-law” very seriously … hence why it took 60 seconds instead of five.)
Here…a video is worth a thousand words….check it out.
Let’s just say that ALL MEMBERS OF MY FAMILY (even the 41 year olds) thought this was the funniest blaster gun in the history of blaster guns. And if you watch the whole video and not giggle…you are more mature than me.
2. Bobbi Brown Rosy Lipgloss
I LOVE Bobbi Brown cosmetics, specifically her glosses, eye shadows and bronzers.
My new favorite is the Bobbi Brown Lip Gloss in Rosy. In fact, if you follow me on Instagram, you will have noticed that it’s been my exclusive lip color for a little over a month.
It’s a step “brighter” than my normal color (Dolce Vita from Nars), but as I have been wearing less and less eye makeup, it’s nice to have “one thing” that pops. Plus, it stays on forever and creates a GREAT shine.
On a completely, side note, has anyone tried the new black lipstick? It’s suppose to change color based on a person’s coloring and chemistry. Evidently it is selling out on the coasts…just wondered if it had made it to the Midwest or if we should expect it six months from now…
And I know, I normally have three things that I love, but it was a busy week and as you read my Whole30 update, you’ll understand why…
#Whole30 Update
I have a confession, as we started Week Four of the Whole 30.
I drank wine.
I blame that damn Nebraska Football game last weekend. SERIOUSLY, could it have been anymore of a nail biter?
In all honesty, I don’t blame the game. Part of the process of the Whole30 is understanding your relationship with food and realizing that some foods that believed you “have to have”…you really don’t have to have.
About three weeks into the Whole30, I realized that WINE was a “food” that was non-negotiable. I needed it.
(Unlike dairy, in which I really don’t care if I never have cheese again.)
So for the last week of the Whole30, a glass or two of Merlot has made it’s way back into my routine.
(And that is something that has made me SUPER HAPPY this week.)
Besides that cheat, we have stuck to the Whole30 rules 100%. With less than a week left (remember, I write this post on Wednesday), we are in the home stretch.
My thoughts as I near the end.
- There is a whole list of foods I thought I would miss, but I haven’t. And it’s shocking to me, because I never thought I had an emotional connection with food, but evidently I do.
- While I enjoy a good glass of wine in the evening, I noticed that I am not as SHARP the next day. So, going forward, I will limit the number of days per week that I allow myself to drink wine. And most likely, they will fall on the weekend.
- My energy is through the roof. I don’t have a 3:00 slump and I can survive on less sleep than I used to. (I used to shoot for at least eight hours of sleep, now I’m good with under 7 hours.)
- I’m still sleeping REALLY, REALLY good at night. This has been the biggest benefit by FAR! There is no more anxiety about whether or not I’ll sleep through the night when I lay down. It’s a rarity to have issues now vs before, it was the norm.
- Hubs and I love the Whole30 and depending on how the “reintroduction period” goes, we may keep on it for life.
And for those who have emailed, YES…I plan on doing a whole post about the pros/cons and what special foods got me through the 30 days after I complete the Whole30 next week.
And it case you missed it, here are some new articles from this week.
2015 Fall Fashion Guide for 40 Year Olds
Star Wars YODA Breakfast with Pancakes Bacon & Eggs
DIY Homemade Natural Facial Toner
See past editions of I LOVE These Things.
I know you live in johnson Cty area, so I am now curious because I too have a child in XC who was off Tuesday, if you are in SMSD what are your XC school colors? Would the colors be orange & blue? Though the school colors are orange and black?
If so its a small world sometimes.
Karen – He runs for Indian Woods. We are in the SMSD. 🙂 And the colors are blue and white.