Get Woolite Complete, 50 Ounce for $5.77 shipped from Amazon.
Here’s how:
Put Woolite Complete, 50 Ounce in your cart.
Choose “Subscribe & Save” – this will lower your price to $6.77
Then use coupon code RBHHSALE and you will save an additional 15% – making the final price just $5.77 with FREE shipping.
If you use Woolite, this is a great deal. I just bought the exact same bottle for a dollar more AFTER using coupons at Target.
After you receive your order, you can decide to not continue with scheduled deliveries – you can go to your Amazon Account, click on “Manage Subscribe & Save” and cancel your subscriptions.
Jenny Horsley says
My total was $6.05 with tax…
Kelly says
Certain states pay tax. (Like Kansas.)
Mary says
Can you sign up and cancel multiple times? I’ve cancelled once.
Kelly says
Yes. I’ve done it before.