Happy Martin Luther King, Jr Weekend!
Is anyone else wondering when the school district decided to shorten the school week to only four days?
For the next month and a half, my kids WILL NOT have a full week of school. Period.
It’s nuts. They just had a Christmas Break! It’s like the district thought the kids needed to be “eased-into” school with a shorter school week for the next month!
But I digress.
I really like having them home. All of the time.
FYI: You might find me drinking by myself in my closet a few days this week.
But on to a happier note, here are three things I’m loving this week.
1. Raising Uncommon Kids
I blessed this year.
Several of my friends (who are bloggers) are making their publishing debut. One of those, is my dear friend Sami Cone, with her first book Raising Uncommon Kids: 12 Biblical Traits You Need to Raise Selfless Kids. Her book is such a breath of fresh air for those of us who wonder “Am I Doing The Best Job I Can As A Parent?”
Her philosophy of encouraging positive traits (and rewarding them) instead of focusing on changing bad traits was so on point. So many times we want to mold our kids into a specific form and beat the things that annoy us out of them…this books gives us permission (and tips) to allow our kids to be their true selves, while instilling in them values that will help them for the rest of their lives.
She has such a heart for parents and the struggles we go through…you will be blessed by this book.
2. Mozart In The Jungle
So over Christmas Break, I started watching this sweet little series (that contained only 28-minute episodes) about the world of the symphony in New York City.
(If I’m going to be honest, the only reason I started watching it was I had always wanted to live a season of my life in New York City and this was my chance to be a voyeur in how 20-somethings live their life.)
I’ve now completed both seasons (and just found out it won a couple of Golden Globes – HELLO) and can say the storyline has less to do with 20-somethings and more to do with art. Specifically, being gifted and trying to make a living with that talent. What does art and the relationship with money look like? What would you give up for your art? What standard would you hold? When do you hang up the towel so you can eat?
In addition, it is very, very funny. I love the crazy-ass Mexican conductor – Rodrigo. I love Bob. I love Hailey. I love Cynthia and Betty. And I love that it is only 28 minutes…which is the perfect amount of time to fold two loads of clothes.
Plus, this weekend you can watch it for FREE as part of the Amazon Prime Is Only $73. Watch Mozart in The Jungle on Amazon Prime now.
3. Merona Fur Infinity Scarf
I received this Merona Faux Fur Infinity Scarf for Christmas.
(Well, if I’m honest, I picked out this scarf for Christmas and my mom bought it – and then she bought another one for herself…but I digress.)
Anyway, I wasn’t sure exactly why I wanted it, but after having it for the last few weeks I can tell you it is my new favorite accessory to GLAM up an outfit with little effort. And it is warm…did I mention that? Because FUR = WARM + GLAM. 🙂
The other thing I love is that it isn’t too bulky. I’ve talked about scarfs and bulk on the Redefined Mom Instagram Page before, but if you are large-chested, scarfs can end up looking like they are suffocating you. The key is to scarfs with thinner material or make sure there is enough fabric to drape. This one looks equally chic doubled-up or just one long loop…so it should be universally flattering on anyone.
And it is $20. At Target. That store we are all at once a week.
To get your fandom going…watch this video from Eric Stonestreet.
And here are some of the best conversations and posts from Facebook this week:
Kid Approved No-Bake Energy Bites
Wine Pairings When Your Kid Is Being Crappy
See past editions of I LOVE These Things.
I’m laughing because I asked for the same scarf for Christmas and I love it! Mine is just a little lighter in color. It’s awesome! xo
TARGET for the WIN!!