If you enjoy the convenience of Amazon Subscribe & Save items arriving on your doorstep, then you need to look into Amazon Prime Pantry.
So how does Amazon Prime Pantry Work? In a nutshell, Amazon Prime Pantry enables Amazon Prime members to shop for popular household essentials (like food and snacks, soda, shampoo, laundry detergent, diapers, pet food, toilet paper, etc.) in everyday single sizes (no bulk or multiples required) and have it delivered to their door for a set shipping price.
How Does Amazon Prime Pantry Work?
1. First, you have to be an Amazon Prime member.
2. Start shopping in the Amazon Prime Pantry and use eCoupons to help you save even more. Plus, be sure to check out our list of the best Amazon Prime Pantry Deals.
3. When you place an item in your cart, the Amazon Prime Pantry will automatically calculate what percentage of space your item will take in the Pantry Box based on weight and size.
4. Pantry boxes can hold up to 45 pounds or four cubic feet of household products (Amazon Prime Pantry will track the items in your cart and automatically show you how full your box is).
5. Each Prime Pantry box will ship for a flat $5.99 delivery fee – so to get the most bang for your buck, you’ll want to fill your box to 100% capacity.
Will Amazon Subscribe & Save Go Away?
No. Amazon Subscribe & Save and Amazon Mom will continue to stay and be available for more bulk purchases like wipes, bathroom tissue, formula, paper towels, etc. and will still allow you to ship items for FREE. (For example, take a look at all the Amazon Subscribe & Save Deals.)
Amazon Prime Pantry will focus on more single packages of groceries, health & beauty and cleaning supplies.
Does Amazon Prime Pantry Have Good Deals?
Are the regular prices slightly higher than grocery store prices? Yes.
Will there be times that Amazon Prime Pantry has awesome one-off deals? Yes. (In fact, take at look at our Amazon Prime Pantry Deals – there are some crazy good bargains.)
Can you pay more for convenience and sometimes that is worth it? Yes.
What do you think? How does Amazon Prime Pantry work into your grocery shopping? When do you think you will use it?
do you have to use it every single month?
As a prime member, I don’t like it. If I don’t want to buy a lot and I only buy one or two items, you charge me $5.00. If I were to buy it with my normal prime membership, shipping would be free. I don’t like it at all and I feel forced to use it.
I feel the same way. I live alone and I want to buy items when I need them and not wait to fill up a “box”. You’re saying I can’t buy an item in Prime Pantry and get free shipping with Prime, so there are some items I can’t buy when I want them.
I am a prime member and buy a lot of items with free shipping. This insults me! I can just go to the store and get my items for $5.00! Just a way for you to recoup shipping expense in my opinion. This really irritates me at Amazon and I had been singing your praises to all my friends and family!