Yesterday I talked about 10 items I will never pay for again.
That might have been shocking for some and snoozy for others.
I will admit that I have always thought of myself as a “money appreciator” and not a “frugal living”.
The reason I confess this to you is that I don’t want you to get the wrong idea about me.
I’m as flawed as they come. I love getting a great deal, but I also love nice things. I save as much as I can as often as I can – but I’ve also learned that it doesn’t matter how cheap something is if you don’t use or love it. I’d rather have one expensive shirt that I love, than a closet full of cheap shirts I don’t like.
So without further ado – here’s the top 10 list of how Kelly is SO FAR from frugal.
1. Hair.
I’m in Gena’s chair every seven weeks. Every other time that I’m there, I’m getting my hair highlighted with three different colors. Yep, I’m high maintenance. But I learned long ago that… Bad Hair = Unhappy Kelly.
2. Make-up.
I buy MAC eyeshadow, Nars Lipstick, and Smashbox Eyeliner. I’ve tried drug-store brands before and I don’t think they cover as well. For the few times per week that I wear makeup – I want it to look good.
3. Beer.
We have a beer fridge. It has beer in it – all of the time. And it has multiple kinds of beer. All of our friends know where the beer fridge is and that it will be filled. I like that.
4. Wine.
We have a wine cellar. It has wine in it all of the time. (Noticing a pattern.) While they aren’t super expensive bottles of wine, we usually have at least four cases of wine on hand at all times.
5. Coffee with half-half.
Good coffee with half-half is non-negotiable in my house. My kiddos know to leave me alone until I’ve had my first cup. Caffeine and I are friends.
6. Christmas for my children.
The magic that anything can happen and all wishes can come true only lasts in childhood – I’ll feed that fairytale for as long as I can.
7. Pedicures.
I’ve tried to do it myself and it looks like a HOT MESS. I’ll pay someone to rub on my feet and make them look pretty.
8. Jeans.
You feel good in jeans that fit. I’ll pay extra for jeans to help hold some things in and lift others up.
9. Running Shoes.
I change pairs every three months. I buy what is comfortable. I don’t look at the price tag – because shoes that hurt means not getting my bum off the chair to workout.
10. Sheets
I need high-thread count cotton sheets. I sleep better. I’m not itchy. I figure sleep is one of the most important things we can have – might as well make it as good as possible.
PS. I believe that everyone SHOULD have non-negotiables. As long as it is part of your budget and you are meeting your financial goals, there is no guilt in splurges.
Your turn? Confess….what are some ways you aren’t frugal? I’d like to hope I’m not the only one with an addiction to Sephora.
OK, I’ll go first, a few years ago when the dogs were getting sick and dying from the dog food from China, I switched my dogs’ food to Three Dog Bakery. It is expensive, but I know every ingredient in it is from the good ole USA! Even though we’ve had to cut back in almost everything else, I will NOT go back to foreign dog food.
Breyer’s Chocolate Ice Cream… even if it’s not on sale.
Clinique Yellow Cream. Gotta Have it.
I love this post! I would say about half these are on my list too. Must haves in our home also include my Keurig coffee maker although I do buy k-cups in bulk from Amazon (cheapest). Also, cable tv for my hubby.
Loving this post too! I like the “money appreciater” label. I save when and where I can so I can splurge on other items. Within the past year I really try to pay attention and avoid foods with nitrates and high fructose corn syrup. It’s hard to pass up the nearly-free lunch meat (esp when we go through a lot) but I will pay full price just so my family can have nitrate-free meat. Same thing with hfcs- I will pay more for Stonybrook Farm yogert, real maple syprup, etc.
I am new to Kansas City Mamas, but I have to say, even though I am from South Dakota, I have fallen in love with this website! I love the post about things that you would never pay for, and after using the tips from this site, I have come up with a few products that I refuse to pay for as well. I do have things that I wont skimp on though. Store brand bread, it always seems dry and crumbles apart after a day or two. My shampoo. The kind I use is a lot more expensive than say, suave, but since its the only kind I have found to make my hair as decent as it can possibly be, I wont budge on my brand. Butter is a HUGE staple in my house, and if I run out, I wont get margarine because it will save me money, I bite the bullet and buy Butter, even if it gives me a heart attack at the register! Last but not least, Bounce Dryer Sheets. I have tried others, and my clothes are still full of static, and they don’t have the smell that I have grown to LOVE! Thanks for all of the wonderful advice on here and hopefully much more to come!