A New Year, A New You.
Maybe you’ve resolved to hit the gym regularly. Maybe you’ve resolved to get to bed at a decent hour. Perhaps you are going to finish all those books you started in 2013. Whatever the resolution, New Year’s is all about a fresh beginning. And, I think it all comes down to investing in yourself.
I love cosmetics. New products make me feel like a new person. A fresh face, a fresh outlook on the day. With Glossybox, I get a new supply of cosmetic products shipped in this fancy little box every month. I usually find a few new products I absolutely love.
The December Box pictured contained some fabulous high-quality products. For example, the Wink Eyebrow Enhancer was developed by a group of students at MIT to stimulate follicle production for lush looking brows and lashes. Need we say more?
For a look at other products, or a sneak peek at January’s New Year’s Glossybox, check them out on Facebook. And, follow my instructions below for a chance to win a 3-month subscription to Glossybox. Happy New Year!
Here’s How To Enter The Giveaway
(Remember, each comment is considered a entry – so leave a separate comment each time.)
Leave me a comment and tell me your New Year’s Resolution.
Additional entry: Become a email subscriber to Kansas City Mamas. (I promise, I won’t spam you.) And then leave a comment and let me know.
Additional entry: Become in Like with Glossybox on Facebook. And then leave a comment and let me know.
Additional entry: Follow ME on Pinterest. (I promise to NEVER pin coupon deals, but I do pin lots of recipes, fashion, home decor and more.) And then leave a comment and let me know.
Contest will be open till end of day on January 8, 2014. Winner will be notified by email and has 48-hours to respond before another winner is chosen. Winner must reside in the lower 48-states of the continental USA. Good Luck.
Disclosure: Glossybox provided the giveaway prize, but I was not compensated in any other way. The written remarks are entirely my own. Want more information – check out my full disclosure statement.
My resolution is use more of what I have and buy less.
I’m an email subscriber
I like glossybox on facebook
I follow you on pinterest
My resolution is to eat down the freezer and pantry.
To dress more stylish for work.
I subscribe to your emails.
I follow you on pinterest (let me know if you need my pinterest name)
My resolution is to go to bed earlier 3 nights a week instead of wasting time and not getting enough sleep.
I get your emails
And I just liked glossybox on fb
My resolution is to take better care of myself and not feel guilty about it!
I am an email subscriber!
I follow you on Pinterest!
My resolution: to plan my meals better so that I can pack healthier lunches for work!
I’m an email subscriber.
And I follow you on Pinterest.
My resolution is to stop being a doormat.
My resolution is to work out more.
I am an email subscriber.
I follow you on pinterest.
To move more, and drink a green smoothie 3x a week.
I subscribe to KC Mamas emails.
I like Glossybox on Facebook
To be healthier
I’m an email subscriber.
My new year’s resolution is to lose some weight and keep it off!
I get your daily email updates.
I follow you on pinterest.
My resolution is to worry less!
On pinterest!
On email!
On FB!
New years resolution is to live in the moment and stop worrying about the things I cannot change.
I receive your emails.
I like Glossybox on FB
I follow you on Pinterest!
My New Years resolution is to be more patient.
I email follow!
I “liked” GlossyBox.
I follow you on Pinterest.
My New Year’s resolution is to get up before my kids each day and take a shower. Sounds so simple, but SO HARD!
I follow you on pinterest!
I am on a get fit agenda for this year! Being a stay at home mom has kept the baby weight on!
I am an email subscriber!
I like Glossybox on FB!
I follow you on Pinterest!
As cliché as it may sound.. My new years resolution is to get back in shape. Having a 5 month old daughter has made me focus entirely on her and not so much on myself these days. Getting back to the gym will not only get me my pre pregnancy body back but it will help build up my confidence again. In turn living a healthier lifestyle and allowing me to stay on this earth much longer to witness her life. This is my resolution… this is my motivation. 🙂
Subscribed to Kansas City Mamas. 🙂
Liked Glossybox on Facebook!
My New Year’s resolution is just to be a little better. Better in all areas of my life.
I liked Glossybox on Facebook!
I follow you on Pinterest!
I subscribed to your newsletter.
We want to go on a family vacation somewhere this year.
email subscriber
I am an email subscriber
I like glossybox on facebook
I follow you on pinterest
my New Years resolution is to exercise at least 25 minutes a day, 6 days a week
I like Glossybox on facebook
i follow on pinterest @denimorse
My resolution is to work out 3x a week!
My new year’s resolution is to read more books and exercise 5 times a week.
I subscribe via email.
I follow you on pinterest
I follow you pinterest
I subscribe to your emails
My new year’s resolution is to lose those last 10 pounds!
I follow you on pinterest
I like Glossybox on facebook
I follow on Facebook!
I follow you on Pinterest!
I am an email subscriber!
My New Year’s Resolution is to stop being so late to everything!
my new years resolution is to be eat healthy and be more active
New Year’s Resolutions in no particular order…
1. Finish projects.
2. Better nutrition.
3. Exercise.
4. Look ahead and don’t live so in the now.
5. Reconnect with my faith.
I am an email subscriber.
I follow you on Pinterest.
I am in like with Glossybox on fb.
No resolutions for me! My philosphy is “slow & steady wins the race!” 😉
I follow you on FB. 🙂
Resolution — More Family Game Nights
I follow you on Pinterest
I get your emails too!
I would like to be more healthy this year!
email subscriber
My resolution is to become more organized
I love getting your emails
I follow you on Pinterest!
I like Glossybox on Facebook!
My resolution is to take photography classes to finally learn how to use our “fancy” camera!
My resolution is to wear exercise clothes less ;).
I subscribe to your e-mails (love them, by the way)!
I follow you on Pinterest.
Just liked glossybox on facebook.
lose weight
Be healthier!
My New Years resolution is do some major toning! 😉
I subscribe to your emails!
This year I turn 35, so my 2014 resolution is just to be healthier than I have been since I was in my early 20’s. Looking good with Glossybox would definitely be some sweet frosting on that cake!
Email subscriber, have been for almost two years now!
Pinterest follower… but not in a creepy stalker way 🙂
“Like” Glossybox on Facebook (and you, too!)
Make time for me!
I love Glossybox 🙂
I am now receiving the awesome emails daily…and LOVING it!
Following on Pinterest 🙂
Maximizing coupon savings in 2014 (with the help of Kansas City Mamas!)
My resolution is to take small, but lasting steps to being healthier.
I am an email subscriber
I am an email subscriber and “like” you on FB
My New Year’s Resolution is to get back to the gym for regular workouts
I want to live a happier life day to day
I’m an email subscriber
Read more books
My new year’s resolution is to take more time for myself. I get too drawn into being a stay at home mom and making sure that the kids are taken care of, errands run and housework done that I forget I’m a person too who wants to do things I enjoy and have a reason to look great-why, because I’m pretty awesome! (I also love getting your daily emails).