365 Days | 365 Items Challenge
There are three types of ‘schtuff I love (and some may say I have an addiction to) – small kitchen appliances, cookbooks, and jewelry.
In week one, I decluttered my shoes, this week I’m de-cluttering my jewelry.
And it is FREAKIN’ hard, man.
I blame my love (and addiction to) costume jewelry on my grandmother. She had a lot of it. And she let her granddaughter play with it whenever she wanted to.
I was wearing rhinestone chokers with scarfs in my hair and a blinged-out handbag since I was able to walk. And no matter how gawdy I looked (and I’m sure there were times I looked like Mrs. Howell from Gilligan’s Island), she would just say, “You look so beautiful.”
So on top of the sparkly allure, it conjures warm feelings in my heart of my Grandmother’s house and her love.
Can you see where I’m going with this? It’s almost like I’m going to need a therapist to let any of my “precious” pieces go…
And did I mention that jewelry doesn’t care how much weight you’ve added or lost…it always fits just right. So why get rid of it? You “never know” when the right shirt, dress, sweater will come and it will be a match made in accessory heaven.
So, begrudgingly, here were the casualties.
The Necklaces.
Some of these necklaces go back to my “career days” where I was required to a wear a skirt suit, pantyhose, and pumps. (Yes, I worked at a couple of places where this was a requirement.) They don’t go with my “casual blogger attire” anymore, so they are being donated.
I have no idea why I have a flower necklace. I don’t wear flowers. Ever. (Unless it is a rose in my mouth while doing the tango…just kidding. Kinda.)
The Watches & Bracelets
Remember when you needed a watch (or four) because you didn’t have a cell phone. This is a casualty from those days. Except, I still wear a watch. I still have five of them in my jewelry box right now. And that’s after I got rid of these four. I’ve got nothing, man. Just call the therapist now.
And again, the flowers. But this time with buttons. #ihavenoexcuse
The Earrings
This was a little harder because I don’t have as many pairs of earrings as I do necklaces (or watches, it appears).
Usually I purchase earrings to go with a specific shirt or dress, and when I get rid of that dress or shirt, I usually don’t need the earring anymore. Which is the case with the jade, green, and rhinestone-looking earrings.
You’ll also notice a brooch on the right-hand side. I love brooches. Especially on wool coats. But this one was missing a few rhinestones, so it was time for it to be retired.
Jewelry in excellent or good condition is being donated to SafeHouse. Everything else is being thrown away. (Because sometimes even in the worst situation, a little bling can put a smile on your face.)
I “decluttered” 21 items in total. And here is what I learned.
- I still need to purge. Like that didn’t even make a dent. I may have to circle-back-around during one of the “open” weeks. I got rid of 21 pieces and I could probably get rid of 21 more. Argh. Calling Dr. Phil!
- Don’t cheap out on classic pieces. I have three classic necklaces that were my Grandma’s and they still look amazing. I know she paid a pretty penny for the sets, but they are wearable almost 50 years later. That’s was well-spent money. From now on, if it is a classic piece of jewelry, I’m going to lay down some $$$ for it.
- Regardless of how “sparkly” it is…if it isn’t your style, leave it at the store. I’m not a flower girl. Or a rainbow girl. Or a skulls and cross bones girl. So even though I can appreciate those pieces of jewelry, I won’t wear them and they need to stay at the store.
So how did you do? What things did you let go this week? Anyone else have a watch addiction they want to talk about?
You can see all past posts on the 365 Days | 365 Items Challenge.
Image credit: ronstik / 123RF Stock Photo
A few years ago I had my jewelry stash unwillingly “decluttered” when our home was robbed. I am amazed at how quickly my new jewelry box has filled up. Time to declutter again (only my way this time).
Amy – That is awful. I’m so sorry. I think I would be heartbroken if some of my pieces were stolen. But glad you were able to fill it up again. 😉
I’m starting to think I might not have a problem… haha, just kidding. I can’t wear anything my baby’s gonna grab and pull… I’m two seconds away from cutting my hair extremely short. So glad this task is going to be much easier then parting with my shoes.
I was there with the grabbing, pulling, and breaking. But now the kiddos are 10 and 7, and the 7 year old is just as happy to play in mom’s jewelry as I was with my Grandmother’s.
I am a purger by nature, so I am loving these posts! I recently started investing in better pieces and can definitely notice the difference. The right jewlery can completely update an old wardrobe.