There are just times when you don’t want to clip a coupon in order to score a deal.
It may be because of “deal fatigue” or “coupon burnout” or it may be a busy season in your life (summer vacation or holiday season).
Regardless, it is bound to happen, so I wanted to provide you tips and tricks for…
How To Save Money Without Using Coupons
Create a Meal Plan – When you create a meal plan, you have less “OMG – It’s 5:00 and I have no idea what to cook!” moments, you have less waste, and you are more productive with your purchases.
Utilize Your Stockpile – Contrary to Extreme Couponing, you are suppose to USE your stockpile. The best thing to do is to make a meal plan from items you have already purchased, thus saving you time and money. You can also see a You Tube Video about my stockpile.
Use Your Price Book – I say this in every coupon class I teach, “The number one way to save money is having an effective price book.” 60% of your savings comes from knowing when to purchase an item and how many to purchase. Yes, it’s nice when you have a coupon to go with it, but the main savings comes from the retail discount when an item is on sale and the only way you will know that is with a price book.
Commit to Only Buying What You Need – When you make a list and stick to it, you are more likely to save money because you no longer have “unplanned purchases” that jump into your cart and ruin your budget. Also, evaluate if you really need something or are just buying it out of habit.
Choose Alternative Stores (like ALDI or a Farmer’s Market) – Sometimes choosing an alternative means for purchasing groceries means greater savings. ALDI, Farmer’s Markets, Bakery Stores, and Warehouse Clubs all have great deals that don’t require a coupon (and in fact, most don’t take them).
Store Your Produce Correctly – Produce is one of the greatest expenses in a grocery budget. Learning how to store produce and make it last longer can mean an additional three to five days of use, which corresponds into less waste. Also learning how to can and freeze is a great way to save on premium produce.
Go Vegetarian – Meat is the single greatest expense for any meal. Eliminate it and you’ve saved 40% without having to do a thing. And believe me, I understand the need for your man to have meat in his diet, but check out some of the vegetarian recipes that have worked for my family. They are filling, flavorful, and Midwestern – and may have your man asking for more.
Save on Other Things – One of the greatest lessons I’ve learned through couponing is the value of $20.00. In fact, coupons changed my financial life. There are many ways to save on other things like entertainment, insurance, cable, clothes, home decor and more. Sometimes just being mindful and executing on the opportunity to save, creates a great windfall than a coupon alone.
As for me, I using this strategy of How To Save Money Without Using Coupons during the months of July and December.
Will I still use a coupon or two? Absolutely.
But I will grant myself some grace because I know I need a break, time to enjoy my family and friends, and to be able to take a trip of two without worrying about missing a deal.
How about you? What ways do you save money without using coupons? Leave a comment and let me know.
I ad match at Walmart and collect all the ads for the week being mindful of weekend specials. Planning a trip on Fridays of each week has afforded me to take advantage of Price Chopper, Aldi, Hen House, HyVee, Walgreens, CVS and occasionally others, but mainly those. I can always count on getting the lowest advertised price and there are some crazy good deals. I know when to wait for special deals (cinco de mayo-stock up on mexican fare, 4th of July-stock up on hot dogs, soda). Studying the ads and knowing how low they go and how often they are on sale lets me know when to stock up. No running around for me though I mostly take up Walmart on their lowest price guarantee and still get those coupons as much as I can.
Awesome Tip, Jennifer! Walmart is so far away from me that I can forget about using the ads to price match.
Amen, sister.