I’m a Community Leader in the Ebates Savvy Living Community.
What’s the Savvy Living Community, you may ask?
Well, it is a place where like minded peeps (living well by saving more philosophy) talk about a bunch of stuff.
We’ve discussed make-up brushes, when is it right to have a second child, favorite Super Bowl foods, how to buy a swim suit, best ways to plan for Disney, best way to clean your bathroom, and when do you hire out work on your house….just to name a few.
What’s great about this group is that you don’t have to be an expert to be part of the community – it really is for anyone to ask questions, start conversations, or get an answer.
So tonight, I’m co-hosting a live chat about DIY projects.
First – I’m NOT a DIY expert.
Hubs is incredibly handy…me not so much.
But I want to learn because there are several women in this group who are AMAZING DIY’ers. And they have tips, tricks, and easy methods to make DIY fun and less stressful.
So please join me tonight as we talk about all things DIY. And the good news – you can access the chat RIGHT HERE (see below) on the Kansas City Mamas site.
DIY Live Chat tonight (2/8) at 8pm CST.