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[email protected] says
I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong, but when I try to put BHG in my cart, the KCMAMAS coupon code just gives me a $2.99 discount which makes the magazine still $11.98 (original price is $14.97). Has anyone else done this successfully?
Julie says
Sorry for my last comment mix-up. Could you please list my name in instead of showing my e-mail to the world? I don’t think I have the power to change it on my end. Thanks!
Julie says
I can’t tell if this comment is going to post right or not. Sorry if it’s a duplicate. Anyway, I tried using coupon code KCMAMAS and just got a $2.99 discount off the $14.97 normal price (so still $11.98). Does anyone know what I’m doing wrong that it doesn’t take me down to $4.44?
Julie says
Duh, sorry, it doesn’t work because the code is expired. You can go ahead and delete my silly comments!