Remember that Whole Foods allows you to stack store coupons with manufacturers coupons and you get a 10% discount if you purchase by the case.View the Whole Foods circular for the Kansas City region here.
Here are the best deals at Whole Foods – thanks to Mara at Kosher On A Budget for this week’s Whole Food Deals matchups. Please go to her site for a complete list.
V says
At the store in Overland Park (119th) my experience has been that they will not reduce coupons or take coupons and give overage. So if the two coupons exceed the price of the item, you can only use one coupon. Has anyone had a different experience there?
Mara @ Kosher on a Budget says
I’ve had problems at that store with finding the items I want stocked and on the shelves, so now I typically only shop at the one on 90th. When I was there last week, no only did they not bat an eye at me stacking coupons, but they actually let me earn overage on a number of the items I purchased. Whereas in the past, I’ve been told I can not stack – and when they did let me stack, they adjusted down to value of the coupon.
The thing with WF is that there is no national policy, and I’m not even sure that the stores have official policies (I once asked the CS desk about their policy on overage and they looked at me like I had three heads!) I usually plan my trips based on the minimum I can hope for and then am pleasantly surprised when I end up with overage!
Kelly says
Thanks for the information ladies – I knew both of you would have the answers. 🙂
Racquel Jacobs says
They have allowed me to use two coupons even if they exceed the price of the item there before. I have had cashiers who seem to be confused about their coupon policies before, but I have found the managers to be helpful with this.