Coffee is sacred in my house.
Let me rephrase. Good coffee is sacred in my house.
And there are several days that a good, strong cup of coffee is the only thing getting me out of bed in the wee-hours of the morning.
(Good thing Hubs gets up before me to make said “cup of coffee”.)
But, here’s the catch. I’m not only picky about the sacred, good coffee – I also have a strong opinion about the cup it gets put into.
(Can you imagine being married to me?)
Meet “Puppy Cup”.
I purchased him in the “duty-free area” after a trip to England almost 16 years ago. He is porcelain. He holds a crap-ton of coffee. And I love him.
In fact, I love him so much that no one but me is allowed to drink out of “Puppy Cup”. If you do, I get angry. He’s mine. I’m territorial.
(Except my Dad. When he comes to visit, he takes great pride in trying to – and sometimes succeeding – to drink coffee from Puppy Cup.)
The reason I love this cup so much is because it has been with me for so many of life’s big and little moments…it has seen the birth (and late night/early mornings) of my children, been my best friend during Bible Study, sat outside with me when I cooled down from a summer run, snuggled next to me while watching a Sponge-Bob Squarepants cartoons (for the gazillion time) with my kids, and helped me sort and stain-treat way too many loads of laundry.
And even now, as I type these words, it sits on my desk, ready to share hot brewed coffee if I need it. He’s a little faded now (kind of like me). His paint isn’t as bright and there is a small chip in his handle. But I don’t care. He’s seen a lot. And he’s dependable.
Puppy Cup is part of my family. It is part of a tradition. And seeing it’s faded-yellow color every day brightens my morning.
So, it is no surprise, that I’m just as passionate about the coffee I put into it. I was able to review Folgers Perfect Measures last November and I was SHOCKED at how much I LURVED the taste of Folgers Perfect Measures Black Silk. Seriously. It’s such great coffee.
(Huh? Folgers? Are you sure?)
Yes, I’m sure. This coffee-snob loves her Folgers.
If you aren’t familiar, Folgers Perfect Measures is a new way to enjoy your coffee in an automatic drip coffee maker. Perfect Measures comes in pre-measured portions, to make a consistent, great tasting cup every time. Add the same number of pods and your cup will come out tasting the same way every single time.
In a nutshell, because all of the tabs are pre-portioned, you can get a consistent cup of coffee. Each tab correlates to 6 oz of water. If you want stronger coffee (like me), add more tabs. Weaker coffee, use less tabs. It really is that easy!
Folgers Perfect Measures comes in five flavors: 100% Columbian, Breakfast Blend, Classic Roast, Classic Decaf and Black Silk.
September 29th is National Coffee Day. I’m sure I’ll be toasting a cup (or four) in celebration…but each one of those cups will be toasted with Puppy.
Do you have any traditions with your coffee routine? Is there something you do each and every morning to make it brighter? Leave a comment and let me know.
Disclosure: Folgers is a partner of RedefinedMom. However, the written remarks and opinions are entirely my own. Want more information – check out my full disclosure statement.
i have it every morning and afternoon
I’m a morning coffee drinker for SURE…afternoon, only when I’m out running errands. Isn’t that silly? Here’s to coffee lovers!!