If you have ever had a late fee because you forget to pay a bill on time {raises her hand}, then you may want to try out Manilla Free Online Bill Pay Solution.
Manilla is a FREE online service that helps you better manage all of your household accounts, including financial, utilities, subscriptions and travel rewards programs, in one secure place.
Using a single password, Manilla provides you with an automated, organized view of all of your account information, text and/or email reminders to pay bills and unlimited storage of account documents.
So in essence it is an organization system for your finances…because most households have three to four credit cards, travel and hotel rewards accounts, multiple magazine and newspaper subscriptions, plus cable, phone, and other assorted utility bills.
Because when we receive a late fee, it not only makes us feel dumb, it’s wasted money.
And we all know how hard we work to save $20.00 using coupons and strategic shopping principals.
Manilla is FREE to join. So sign up and check it out. There is no further obligation. And it is only helping you save money in the long run.