KC Masterpiece Coupon – $2/2 KC Masterpiece BBQ Sauce or Marinades (Coupons.com Savings Club)
Ritz Coupon – $1/2 Ritz Crackerfuls
Nestle Coupon – $.50/2 Nestle Tollhouse Morsels
Comet Coupon – $1.25/1 Comet Stainless Steel Cleaner (Coupons.com Savings Club) – use with $1/1 Comet Stainless Steel Cleaner Target Printable Coupon to get it for FREE
Soft Scrub Coupon – $1/1 Soft Scrub Spray Product
Ore-Ida Coupon – $1/2 Ore Ida Products
I’m having a hard time with the savings club!! Is this the thing you sent out weeks ago that you could sign up for 1/2 price? I signed up and paid the $15.00, but I can’t seem to find the coupons that you keep posting. When I get to coupons.com and sign in…were do I go?
Go to the left hand corner and click on the little “dog-eared” tab. Then you should be able to login with the information they sent you via email.
Kelly – where is the Ore-Ida coupon? I’ve liked FB and I’ve signed up for their site and nothing pops up…what am I missing?