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I LOVE These Things: Perfectly Imperfect, Bikini Body Mommy & Fruyo {Week of 1/5}


The end of winter break.


I love having my little weirdos around. They are turning out to be cool people. But I also love my quietness…so after having them around for 18 days, it was good for them to get back into a routine that didn’t include iPads, Kickin’ It on Netflix, and eating non-stop.

So here is what was making me happy this week (besides the weirdos being back in school).


1. Perfectly Imperfect Project 365.

One of my professional and personal goals this year is to become a better photographer. And while I can take online classes and read books, I realize the best thing I can do is take pictures. So my Nikon D7100 is attached to my hip and I’m messing around with ISO, shutter speeds and aperture like crazy.

And I joined a photo taking group consisted of bloggers and non-bloggers alike called Imperfect 365. The goal is simple, take a photo every day during the year. Screw around with iPhone settings, mess with ISO and shutter speed, but just take a photo and share it with the rest of the world.

Above was one of my entries for this week. While this picture didn’t make the cut for a post I was working on (The Little Known Secret On How To Get Cheap K-Cups), it did create the image I was working toward. I was trying to focus on the one k-cup and have all the rest of the k-cups go fuzzy.

The Perfectly Imperfect Project 365 is for anyone to join, so if you are interested, just jump on the bandwagon, join, and start shooting and uploading. (PS: There is also a new app called Dayli that encourages you to snap a photo every 24 hours and then has a time-lapse slide show you can watch at the end of the year. The app is $2.99.)



2. FAGE fruyo Vanilla Yogurt.

Have you had this stuff? Oh. My. Word.

I bought this on a whim the last time I was at Costco because I was tired of the kids eating crap (see above mention to Winter Break.)

Within 36 hours of the HUGE container being opened, my kids devoured it. They put it on cereal, apple pie, ate it plain, ate it with fruit, added it to smoothies. It was gone. They were asking for more. I was giving myself a double fist pump.

Even better, this yogurt is PACKED with protein and is low calorie. You get 40% off your daily protein in a one cup serving and is only 190 calories and tastes better than ice cream! And Costco sells the BIG TUB for under $6.50!! Mom for the WIN!

Bikini Body Mommy

3. Bikini Body Mommy.

I’ve talked about Bikini Body Mommy is previous I LOVE These Things, but it bears mentioning again.

If you are looking for a workout that…

…this is your workout.

This is my third round of BBM. And I’m hooked. It is quick. It changes weekly. It challenges me. And I see results. My jeans are looser. My bras fit better. And I have less lower back pain.

If you have wanted to make a change in the New Year, this is by far and away the best results to time workout routine you will find.

And here is some other stuff that I thought was hilarious, amazing, or I plan on making this week:

Plus, here are the articles y’all found interesting this week.

What’s making you happy this week?

See past editions of I LOVE These Things.