This week’s “I Love These Things” is a little different.
Instead of talking about three products or things I love, I’m talking about three people I love.
And they aren’t just ANY three people…they are like my personal group of wizards who make me look better. (Because goodness knows, some days it takes a village to look good.)
Do you remember the Wizard of Oz when Toto blows the Wizards cover to Dorothy, Scarecrow, Lion and Tin Man? They realize the Great and Powerful Oz is some old guy behind a curtain with lots of tools at his disposal to make him look great? Well, below are my three wizards who make me look good. Without them, I’d be a hot mess and probably look like an old guy behind a green curtain.
Without further ado, my trio of wizards.
1. Gena Carlberg Reeves (aka my hair wizard).
Gena has been doing my hair for almost 15 years which is like 150 years in hair dresser days. I’m so devoted to her, that I’ve followed her all over town (to five different salons) and even made standing dates when she threatened to move back to Illinois and promised to come to Kansas City quarterly. (She didn’t move, THANK GOD, but I was THAT committed to her.)
Before her, I couldn’t have long hair. The stylist would tell me it was too thin, would break off, needed extensions, etc…. not Gena. She knows her stuff. Plus, she is amazing-sauce at coloring. The majority of the time, I just sit down and say…do something cool, I’m in the mood for {insert season)-esque and it always comes out beautiful.
Plus, she is women after my own heart. A child of God with a bit of a wild side, champion of women, sand traight shooter who loves beauty and clothes (she is also a Cabi rep, which I love).
Toast: Here is to Gena! She makes my hair look great even on bad hair days, puts up with rants, and makes me look beautiful as a blond, red head, or brunette.
Picture: Gena and her adorable hubby, Larry. So happy they found each other.
2. Genesis Fitness KC (aka my body wizard).
So even though I complained about my 25-Year old fitness trainer, I secretly love him.
Zach drives to ME and my neighborhood besties at 5:30 am (?!?!?!) every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday to help us be as strong, awesome, and toned as possible.
I’ve always said there are two kinds of fitness instructors, the “jock” and the “nerd”. The jock just loves working out….the nerd loves working out and the science behind it.
Zach is the nerd. (I say that in the best “I old enough to be your mom” kind of way.)
His workouts never seem like they are going to be hard, on paper. However, that science stuff will get you every time, because when we get done, we can’t feel our arms (or legs or abs or shoulders). He is sneaky. And he is smart.
Need proof? Here is a series of texts after a weight training day. (He dubbed it Women of Weights.)
And because of his sneaky smart science stuff, it’s been awhile since I felt this strong or toned.
Toast: Here is to Zach! He’s the first one I see when I wake up on Monday, pushes me harder, knows when I’m done, and makes me sore in all the right ways.
Picture: Me. Sucking it at Cobras at 5:30 in the AM. Amy and Meg being badass on weights. Rachel and Mer doing abs.
PS: Zach has no idea I’m writing this, but if you have a group of 5 people and would love to have specialized classes, give Zach a message on his FB page.
3. Plaza Aesthetics & Wellness. (aka skin care wizard)
I wrote about my first experience with a Kansas City Medical Spa a while ago, and three months later, I can not even begin to describe to you how good my skin and feels looks thanks to Dr. Botros and the staff at Plaza Aesthetics & Wellness and the Vivier Skin Line.
Problem spots that bugged me are no longer an issue.
- My dark spots are virtually gone.
- Wrinkles under my eyes have vastly improved.
- My skin is smooth and soft (almost like a baby’s butt).
My favorite thing about Plaza Aesthetics & Wellness is their philosophy. They want you to be the best version of your natural self. They work hard on finding ways to solve your skin “issues” without changing your natural beauty. They want you to still look like you – just better.
Toast: Here is to Dr. Botros! She makes my skin look amazing without using expensive procedures. I love that she encourages me to love my beauty and be the best version of me.
Picture: That’s me getting ready to have my first Dysport injection two months ago. And yes, they serve wine.
My point in writing about these three people…
- There is NO SHAME in spending money to make yourself feel beautiful and confident.
- I’m tired of the stigma attached to having a trainer, seeing your hairstylist every six weeks or paying for good skin care. It isn’t indulgent, high maintenance or vain. It’s a choice. I know that my beauty comes from inside, but having these three things makes me more confident to show it.
- If you are paying someone and don’t love the work they are doing, find someone else. Life is too short and there are too many people who do services.
- When you find someone you love, praise them. Tell everyone you know about them and increase their business. They will thank you for it.
And if you missed it, here are some new articles from this week.
The Whole 30 Success Guide for 40-Year Olds {Why You Should Do It}
DIY Printable Witch’s Parking Halloween Sign
5 Ways to Wear Denim This Fall & Winter {That Is More Than Throwing On A Pair Of Jeans}
See past editions of I LOVE These Things.