I’m 41.
And I’m vain.
Not the “I want to look like I’m 20-years old” forever kind of vain. (I can watch the Real Housewives of INSERT CITY to see that on a weekly basis.) But, a “I want to look as youthful as possible without having to take drastic matters, like plastic surgery” kind of vanity.
And over the last year, I’ve watched the fine lines around my eyes and my forehead get deeper and the brown spots on my face get darker. I’ve tried drugstore and department store beauty products, and while the work to varying degrees, they never really create a perfect solution.
So, I started doing research into how to a pick a med-spa that’s right for you and chose Plaza Aesthetics & Wellness for my consultation.
Things To Know Before Picking A Med Spa
The first thing I noticed when I arrived was it felt more like a boutique spa and less of doctor’s office.
I was immediately taken into an exam room and met with one with the staff members and they took a full detail of my current skin care regimen, my areas of concern, and my goals for the consultation.
Then we took off all my makeup {scary} and I met with Dr. Amber Botros and we talked about next steps.
Now, before I go any further, I need to tell you a couple of things.
1. I was in shock to actually be seen by a doctor. At most med-spas in the metro area, you would be seen by an RN because the state does not require doctors to be on-site. (Or even in the same city…I research one well established med-spa and their doctor resides in Wichita and another’s doctor was in Thailand. No joke.)
2. Because the consultation was FREE, I was expecting a HARD sell into dermal filler, chemical peel or micro-needling. Instead, I got an honest, stress-free conversation with Dr. Botros and her recommendation.
“I needed to upgrade my skin care regiment.”
Dr. Botros informed me that many of my concerns could be taken care of with an upgraded skin care regimen from VivierSkin.
VivierSkin is a pharmaceutical grade skin care line. It combines the powerful benefits of the world’s #1 Vitamin-C serums (L-Ascorbic Acid USP) with pharmaceutical grade cleansers, toners, eye therapy products, and moisturizers. Plus, ViverSkin is governed by the FDA, so all claims HAVE to be supported by clinical evidence. And that is a BIG deal because most skin care products can say whatever they want, but VivierSkin is actually tested and approved by the FDA.
One of the things I loved was that Dr. Botros created a skin care regimen personalized to my skin. We started with a sensitive skin system and then swapped out the cleanser for Hexam (which has hexamidine and which is known for deep cleaning pores that helps eliminate acne) and the serum for Advanced Skin Lightening Serum (which is a 2-in-1 formula that targets anti-aging and skin lightening simultaneously – BOOYAH!). We also added in a Redness Solution Complex because I struggle with redness in my cheeks.
Finally, Dr. Botros told me it was natural to experience a small breakout when you start a new regime of products because the products working into your dermal layer and can cause all sorts of things to “come out”. However, the normal skin cycle is 21-days, so I should start seeing a noticeable difference around week four. Plus, she would follow up with me in a couple of days via text to make sure I wasn’t having any issues. (And when was the last time a doctor texted you directly?)
My Med-Spa Results
I’ve been using the Vivierskin products for four weeks and here are my med-spa results.
1. I love the Vivier products. I’ve never used a line that was completely fragrance free, even the SPF moisturizer has no smell. And the products make my skin look refreshed and amazing.
2. I did experience a breakout. And I flipped out. And I texted Dr. Botros and she got back to me immediately and walked me off the cliff. At about week three, my skin cleared up and has never looked better.
3. The fine lines, brown spots, and general redness are drastically reduced. Usually in the summer my cheeks are one huge brown spot, this year thanks to the Advanced Lightning Serum, they have a more even skin tone. And the redness I’ve always dealt with…gone. The lines in my forehead, however, are still as apparent to me as they were before I went. Damn aging.
4. And while the initial price of the skin care kit was way more than I normally spend, I amazed at how little of the product I have to use to get results. I use less than a pea-size of product each time and at this rate, the kit will last me close to five months. I’d spend close to that on department or drugstore products in the same time frame.
Five Questions To Ask About Before Picking a Med-Spa
- Is the doctor on-site? For me, this was especially important for procedures like laser-hair removal or injections.
- Do they offer a free consultation?
- Is the staff taking time to answer ALL YOUR QUESTIONS to your liking and comfort level before discussing procedures?
- How hard are they trying to sell you?
- Does it feel like a “Botox Farm”? Do you feel like you are customer #47 instead of a real person?
If I ever decide to do a medical spa procedure, I will chose Plaza Aesthetics & Wellness for all the reasons I discussed above, but the most important reason, is that I trust Dr. Botros and the staff. I’ve never experienced the level of care and follow-up as I did with each member of the staff. And when we are talking about your long-term beauty and looks, there is no value you can place on piece of mind.
Disclosure:Plaza Aesthetics & Wellness is a partner of RedefinedMom, but I received no compensation to write this post. The written remarks, research and opinions, as well as my stance that there is no one else I would trust with my face, is entirely my own. They are the only med-spa I will ever use, period. Want more information – check out my full disclosure statement.
Funny. I am currently reading a book called Skin Cleanse by Adina Grigore. She covers choosing products and how to create healthy skin through making your own natural products.
I went to Plaza Med Spa, because of your glowing recommendation. This was mid December. I am 66 and always have had skin issues, bad skin. I have been using the products for 2 months. And I am VERY pleased!!!! I actually do not wear foundation every single day. This morning, I was rushing off to put on make up because a bull customer was coming to the house, early. (We live on a ranch, I am Kelly’s MIL, which has nothing to do with my post today). My taciturn husband said, aren’t you already wearing make up? So, I am “upper” middle aged with poor skin, what wonders will this do for you?