Tomorrow, July 31, Hy-Vee is having a 12-Hour Sale.
After looking at the list of sale items, there really weren’t that many coupon match-ups – but there is a great deal on Kraft String Cheese.
Currently, there is a catalina promotion – Buy 5 Kraft Cheese Products, Get $5 OYNO andKraft String Cheese will be on sale tomorrow for $2.00.
Dealio Scenario
Purchase 5 Kraft String Cheese @ $2.00 each
Pay $10.00 and get a $5 catalina back – or $1.00 each after catalina
String Cheese freezes REALLY well. So if you are looking for a healthy snack for the kiddos lunches this year – this is a great opportunity.
Do you know if the catalina deal is still good after the 12 hour sale?
It is a national catalina – I’m not sure on the dates, but I know it will be good for awhile after the 12-hour sale.
Ooohh…is it a rolling catalina deal? As in, using a catalina won’t prevent another one from printing like happens at Walgreens?
She will roll – so yes, the savings keeps on saving.
Thanks for the info, although I live in Cameron, MO I travel to Liberty, area to shop ( cause there is no stores here) I recently found your blog and love that you are local, Is there a way to know of other hyvee catalina’s?
Thanks for your help, and I love to read your blog.
Hi Ashley –
I do my best to alert you if there is a great catalina/sale/coupon combination. To find a list of national catalinas, you can either google it or try one of the forums like Hot Coupon World or A Full Cup.
Bless your heart for adding in the bit about it freezing well!
Katie –
Absolutely. Just sharing what I know – I hope you guys would do that for me.
Does Target price match? If so, there was a .75 Target coupon and I think I will just have them price match and use it. I have a 2 year old who loves string cheese, but we should be moving at the end of the month so I don’t want to buy a lot. Thanks!
Mandy –
Target will only price match after they take off the Target Coupon. So if the price at Target is $2.33 and Hy-Vee is $2.00, they will take off the Target $.75/1 coupon first and then offer to price match. Does that make sense?
I went to Hyvee today to get this deal and it didn’t print the catalina for me. I have had this happen to me a couple of times at Hyvee. Last time it did I went to customer service and they told me since it was a catalina deal that they could not force it through if it didn’t print.
I did buy 5 of the string cheeses…I didn’t go to customer service this time because I had ice cream in the car that was melting! I just chalked it up to a loss for me. But any suggestions on what to do if it happens again in the future?
Lisa –
First, I’m sorry. I know of at least of a couple of readers who did the deal and the catalina printed.
A couple of suggestions. When you are in the line, make sure the green light is ON on the catalina machine. Cause if isn’t green – it aint printing. If the checker is lacking, it may be out of paper or just not on and they might not know or care.
Also, wait for a few seconds after your transaction is complete. I’ve seen it take up to 15 seconds to print my catalina after the transaction is completed.
Finally, if all else fails, make a phone call. Here is some information. “If you’re already home, call up Catalina at 1-888-8COUPON or email them at with the store name and address, date and time of purchase, what you bought, and transaction ID# from your receipt. Note that your transaction won’t be in their system until the next day.”
I’ve heard and read on forums of many people doing this and getting their catalinas in the mail. It may take up to six weeks, but you will get them. HTH.