Confession time.
We are over budget.
The summer of spending what we wanted, when we wanted has finally caught up with my family.
And in September, we had to pay the piper.
Luckily, this is a short-term situation because we use the monthly-budget system. But it means tightening the reins in about every category on our budget.
So, I’ve made adjustments to the grocery budget, the fun budget, turned up the thermostat, and there will be no eating out.
But I still need a few more $$$ – so…
How Do You Save Money in the Short Term?
This is a conversation we’re having in the Ebates Savvy Living Community. I’m a Community Leader there and I love that we can weigh in about all sorts of crazy things (like laundry, parenting, fashion, cooking, and more.) I’d love to have you join me there and you can actually chime in from right here on Kansas City Mamas. I’ve embedded this conversation below.
If you’re not familiar with Ebates, you’ll want to check it out. You receive cash back when you shop online. So it is like getting a discount – and who doesn’t like saving a few extra dollars.
Disclosure: I have been compensated for my role as Community Leader in the Ebates Savvy Living Community. However, all opinions are my own.