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Hen House Holiday Celebration Savings: Please Be Patient

After I checking out at Hen House today, I noticed I did not get all of my Holiday Savings. So I went to Customer Service and explained the situation. I was able to talk to the Hen House General Manager (Phil – love the man.) and he explained they are having some “technical difficulties.”
Evidently, the Holiday Celebration was such a success they had more cards registered than they anticipated and there are more vendor coupons than the computer system can take. They are working hard and promise to have it resolved soon. But be sure to check your receipt to make sure you received your Holiday Savings. If not, go to Customer Service and they will reimburse you. They are aware of the situation and are happy to help.

Hen House Holiday Celebration Savings: Please Be Patient

Posted By Kelly On In Uncategorized | No Comments
After I checking out at Hen House today, I noticed I did not get all of my Holiday Savings. So I went to Customer Service and explained the situation. I was able to talk to the Hen House General Manager (Phil – love the man.) and he explained they are having some “technical difficulties.”
Evidently, the Holiday Celebration was such a success they had more cards registered than they anticipated and there are more vendor coupons than the computer system can take. They are working hard and promise to have it resolved soon. But be sure to check your receipt to make sure you received your Holiday Savings. If not, go to Customer Service and they will reimburse you. They are aware of the situation and are happy to help.