So…DS and Hubs are addicted to Star Wars.
Hubs has been addicted to Star Wars since he was four and saw “Star Wars” at the local drive-in with his cousins and Uncle Toodles. DS has been addicted since he was also four and Hubs starting “indoctrinating” him into all things Jedi, Empire, Millennium Falcon, and Yoda. They also love LEGOs – all million pieces that we have in the house.
And the love when the two come together in the Star Wars LEGO video games. Even though they have “won” all the levels – they still revisit often to get new “tokens” or play with new characters. Because playing with the Emperor is a lot more fun than C-3PO.
If any of this sounds familiar, you might want to check out this deal from Amazon. The new LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars is coming out on March 22nd and you can pre-order from Amazon for $49.99 (for Wii, PS3, and Xbox. It’s $29.99 for DS and PSP.)
But the deal gets better – because you get a $10 Amazon Video Game credit that you can use how you want and if you pre-order you are guaranteed the lowest price. If it ever goes lower on Amazon – they will adjust your price automatically.