Every year, I put together a reader survey to “gauge” you, my beloved readers.
This year, the survey is short, quick and to the point. In fact, if you have three minutes, you can get it done.
When I started blogging in 2009, I NEVER thought I would still be blogging six years later. In many ways, I still think blogging is weird.
I never would have imagined in the past six years I’d be rebranding, writing about being 40, photographing recipes, or working with brands.
And while all of that stuff is important, when I sit down at the computer, I wonder if I AM or AM NOT providing you content you enjoy consuming. And by completing this reader survey, you help me understand what trends you are interested in reading about and what trends you would rather I didn’t touch with a 10-foot pole.
(Plus, this year I upped the ante and am giving away $50 Amazon Gift Cards to (2) lucky readers who complete the survey. I figured the Holidays were around the corner and this could either help with the bill or give ‘mama a little side spending dough if she sees something she can’t live without.)
Click on THIS LINK or the image above to take the survey.
And from the bottom of my heart…
THANK YOU for being a reader.