UPDATE: Okay. The wording is VERY confusing. It looks like it is only 216 wipes total. So if you have already ordered – I would cancel (you can do that though your My Account) because it isn’t that great of a deal. SUPER sorry for any inconvenience.
UPDATE #2: After further review and emails for peeps – it looks like it was a legit deal because the price is now $22.00. Note to Amazon – don’t make it so confusing next time.
Amazon has 864 count LUVS Baby Wipes on sale for $7.00.
If you have Amazon Mom account it will ship for FREE. Also if you have any of the $10 Amazon Mom codes – you should be able to get them for FREE.
Thanks Money Saving Mom.
holy cow, that’s a great offer!
i signed in, bought 4 and discovered i had a $20 promotional credit on file….so I paid $10 for four boxes.
wow! thanks.
Its hard to find the $10 Amazon Codes. I find it twice and use them for Pampers Wipes 720ct and got it for $3.43 and got 80ct of Pampers Easy Up (boy) for $6.65. I have had luck with 20% diapers codes.
I went and ordered 2 packs, however after I ordered I read the wording a bit closer and I believe this is only for 216 wipes at $0.03 per wipe. I went ahead and cancelled my order.
Thanks for all the awesome deals!
I was really excited too… for a minute! The description is confusing (well, or just plain incorrect). I chatted with Amazon customer service and they confirmed that it is in fact a package of 216 in total. The rep was confused and then uncertain about 3 refills or 4 packs… but said that they could confirm it was for 216 in grand total. Bummer. Money Saving Mom seems to have retracted it.