This week on the Kansas City Mamas’ Facebook page, Charline asked if I was still planning on posting my shopping trips. It had been over a month since my last one and she was curious if I was ditching the posts or just hadn’t shopped in awhile.
Truth? I hadn’t shopped because I had coupon burnout.
Our schedule was crazy in July. We had my birthday, a 4th of July party, a trip to the Lake of the Ozarks, a conference in Colorado Springs, football tryouts, and a host of other things. In the end, there wasn’t enough time to run a website, travel, live life, and be a coupon ninja.
So, I took a break from being a coupon ninja.
I threw caution to the wind. I didn’t make a meal plan. I didn’t keep a grocery budget. And I only bought what our family needed.
And honestly, if felt good to take a break and live off our stockpile.
A stockpile is not meant to be a shrine of body wash and toliet paper that you have in your basement or garage.
A stockpile ensures that you don’t have to go to the store ALL THE TIME.
And living off a stockpile means you will miss out on some deals so you don’t miss out on life.
If I chased deals with everything else going on in July, I would have missed out on more important things like BBQs with friends, trips with my girlfriends, or spending time with my husband.
But this month, things are a little quieter. The kids start school in a little over a week. We have no additional trips planned. Our lives will be back into a familiar routine.
And I will have the time to devote to clipping coupons, driving to more than one store for the deals, and taking pictures of my finds to post on the website.
And I am excited. Because even though coupon ninjas need a break, they also like to use their skills too.
How about you? Do you ever get coupon burnout? How do you get over it? Leave a comment and let me know.
Brandy says
First, I love your website and check back with you about once a week to get your updates. It’s so funny that you talk about coupon burnout because I myself did the same thing this summer! I took a break and just bought what our house needed and lived off our stock pile. Thanks for making me feel better about taking a much needed break!
FrugalEngineer says
I hear you, sister. I take the same breaks but I always come back. Sure, I miss some deals, but my family doesn’t go wanting and I still don’t pay full price. There’s no shame in using up the stock pile; more specifically, it can be helpful to use off the stock-pile. Sometimes I find I’m getting a little ahead on purchases. I know that donations work as a solution for that, but not all things. Maybe my freezer is a little long on chicken, so we eat heavy on the chicken. Coupon skills don’t go soft after a break. You just come back refreshed.
Thanks for such honesty and “real-ness”! I actually posted I was getting burnt out on coupons in your HH match-up and I love this site as a source of encouragement and motivation.
Thanks for all you do!
Kim says
I agree with everyone. I was wondering if it was just me, (being a newbie and all). Thank you for sharing and being so honest about it. We too have taken a break and just purchased our fresh items and used our stockpile. It has been nice.. 🙂
Tracy C. says
I totally hear you! I took the month of June off, only shopping at Aldi, Costco, and the farmer’s market for a few things. I had our third baby the end of May and I was too tired to do anything and frankly a little burnt out on couponing. My stockpile helped tremendously. Now, I am back at it! =)
Amy Cy says
I suffer coupon burnout in summer. I just don’t have the time. I hate dragging my boys to 3 stores. It’s no fun for them or me. So I take it easy in June and July and then it it full force again once they are both back in school.
Lisa says
Good for you!! Saving money for our families is awesome but spending time with them is more important! We all have to remember to keep our priorities straight! I have been couponing for about 2 months so I guess I am considered a newbie….so for now I am a coupon ninja…but I am a teacher and my freetime will soon be zilch!! I look forward to trying to balance everything….work and couponing but of course my friends and family are at the top of that list!! Thank you so much for spending time helping us shop and save for our families too! I enjoy visiting your site on a daily basis. Enjoy the rest of your summer! 🙂
Ali says
Oh yes. With our home up for sale in June and moving to another city next week, I had to take a break most of the summer. But now I can’t wait to build my stockpile again. Love your honesty, Kel. You’re the best!
Sara says
I hope you had a restful July!! I am headed through Kansas City on a road trip later this month and I am excited to see a Hen House with my own eyes. 🙂 They don’t have them here in Iowa.
Krista says
Hi Kelly & Others,
I am there too from time to time and feel it just sneaks up out of no where. I agree with the busy times, that too for me is when my burn out strikes and yes, stock piles are great for this. Sometimes, because I have the most awesome coupon buddy ever- when I do get burnt out… she shows up, grabs my coupons and grabs the stuff she is grabbing at the stores for me also. How nice is that!
I hope you all have a great Coupon Buddy- they really are great in so many ways.
FrugalEngineer says
A Coupon Buddy…that’s AWESOME!