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DIY Hot Stuff Valentine’s Day Gift with Free Printable Tag

This DIY Hot Stuff Valentine’s Day Gift with Free Printable Tag is a great way to show your significant you think they are HOT STUFF all year round.  Besides who doesn't like a little kissing?

You don’t always have to make a big gesture on Valentine’s Day.

Sometimes a smaller gesture makes the biggest impact. Your honey will love getting this DIY “Hot Stuff” Valentine’s Day Gift. The free printable tag says it all…

“Hey, Hot Stuff! Let’s hold hands and kiss!”

Who doesn’t love doing that?!

For my gift, I added Hot Tamales, ChapStick, hand warmers and dark chocolate Hershey’s Kisses. You could also include gum, breath mints, gloves or hand lotion. Whatever you end up adding to your gift, your honey will love it…especially the kissing part.

DIY Hot Stuff Valentine’s Day Gift with Free Printable Tag

What you will need:


  1. Download this PDF file {DIY Printable Hot Stuff Valentine’s Day Gift Tag} and save to your computer. hot stuff printable
  2. Print at home on card stock or photo paper.
  3. Cut out the tag.
  4. Add tissue paper and goodies to your gift container.
  5. Hole punch corner of your tag and tie to the gift with ribbon.

You now have an adorable, yet simple, Valentine’s Day gift to give to your better half. Enjoy!

This DIY Hot Stuff Valentine’s Day Gift with Free Printable Tag is a great way to show your significant you think they are HOT STUFF all year round.  Besides who doesn't like a little kissing?

Becca bio pic 2 300x300Becca Wilkinson has a creative “need” and will do anything to avoid laundry. She writes over at Cul-de-sac Cool about design, DIY/crafts, easy eats, family, funny experiences and of course, motherhood. Becca wants to spread happiness, helpful tips, pretty things and funny experiences throughout the land. She is the proud mother of three boys and married to her college sweetheart. In her past life she was a graphic designer. Becca has learned a lot these past years about juggling boys, blogging, family and suburban life.