What is more American than ice cubes? When I traveled to England, they had no idea what an ice cube was, I swear.When you would ask for ice, they would look at you like you were a crazy American. Every drink I had was slightly cool or at room temperature. Well, here in the U.S., we are slightly obsessed—okay, crazy—about ice. We like our ice chunky, in pellets and even crushed, and we like a lot of it! I was sitting around thinking about ice the other day. Don’t you do this? I was thinking why not make our ice even more special? That was the beginning of these lovely Raspberry Mint Ice Cubes. These ice cubes would be fantastic in a glass of water, ice tea, lemonade, mojitos, margaritas or a nice glass of white wine. Your friends will think how fancy you are when you serve them a glass of bubbly with these adorable cubes!
Don’t forget the kids! For them, you need to make Gummy Bear Ice Cubes. With these colorful and yummy bears, your kids will be begging to stay hydrated by asking for more water or lemonade! Great for parties, these cubes keep the kids occupied while they wait for their ice cubes to melt so they can eat the gummy bears.
DIY Fancy Flavored Ice Cubes for Adults & Kids
What you will need:
For the Raspberry Mint Ice Cubes
- Raspberries
- Fresh mint
- Ice cube tray
- Water
For the Gummy Bear Ice Cubes
- Gummy bears
- Ice cube tray
- Water
Instructions: 1. Rinse your raspberries and mint. Set aside to dry. 2. Fill one ice cube tray with about 2 raspberries per section. 3. Next, add your mint leaves (you may have to tear some of the bigger leaves to fit). 4. Fill your other tray with gummy bear candy. I used 3 bears per section. 5. Fill each tray with water and place in you freezer. Freeze for at least 2 hours. 6. Pop you cubes out and place in your drinks or a pitcher with your beverage of choice. 7. Store unused cubes in a freezer bag in the freezer for several weeks. Need ice cube tray recommendations? These silicone ice cube trays are awesome because they are extra-large and hold 15 cubes.
Or if you are looking for something fun, you can’t beat creating your own mini-figures with these silicone trays.
And there is aways old faithful, the “standard” ice cube tray from Rubbermaid. Here’s to having an ice-cool and fancy summer! Enjoy! If you liked this post, make sure to follow our DIY Tips and Tricks Board on Pinterest where we share information like this everyday. Follow Kelly @ Redefined Mom’s board DIY Tips and Tricks on Pinterest.
Becca Wilkinson has a creative “need” and will do anything to avoid laundry. She writes over at Cul-de-sac Cool about design, DIY/crafts, easy eats, family, funny experiences and of course, motherhood. Becca wants to spread happiness, helpful tips, pretty things and funny experiences throughout the land. She is the proud mother of three boys and married to her college sweetheart. In her past life she was a graphic designer. Becca has learned a lot these past years about juggling boys, blogging, family and suburban life.