Dillons doubles coupons $.50 and under and coupons that are $.51 – $.99 are adjusted to a $1.00 everyday. You will also need a Shoppers Reward card to take advantage of their sale prices and to load ecoupons through Cellfire, Shortcuts, P&GEsaver, and Dillons ecoupons.
Thanks to Frugal Fritzie for this week’s Dillons Deals. Be sure to check out her website for a full listing.
What store do you go to? I live in KC and only find one in Leavenworth…
They are in Lawrence and Leavenworth….but I’ve heard a rumor they bough the old Benchmark building. {Be still my beating heart.}
Where is the old benchmark building?? Would love for them to open one closer.
119thish and I-35 – Near Bass Pro
I heard that Dillons was no longer adjusting coupons 51 cents and higher, kind of like what Hen House does. Can’t remember which blog I saw that on, but was wondering if anyone else had heard that.
I live in KCK but teach in Leavenworth, so during the school year I love having a Dillons on the way home!
The Dillions in both Leavenworth and Lawrence are still adjusting coupons $.51 and up to a dollar. I just shopped at both today. I know the only thing they have changed recently is you can only use 10 coupons per like item. So if you purchase 14 boxes of pasta you can only use 10 coupons. Which means you have to do 2 transactions that is all.