If you aren’t a current member for the Coupons.com Savings Club, now is a great time to sign up.
They are offering a 50% off code on a year-long membership. Use code SC50YEAR at checkout and you’ll only pay $15 per year vs the regular $30.00.
Also, you can now give the membership to yourself or a friend. Who wouldn’t like that as a surprise?
As a general rule, I’m not big into paying for coupons. But over the last couple of months, I’ve used the Comet Cleanser Coupon, Tony’s Coupon, Mars Candy Bar Coupon, and more to get items for really cheap or FREE. At a $1.25 per month, it has more than paid for itself.
So sign up for the Coupons.com Savings Club and use the coupon code SC50YEAR to get it for $15.00 for the entire year.