We started school on Monday and today is the first day they will go for a full day.
And this year (unlike years past), I’m a little sad they are going to be gone all day.
I don’t know if it is because we had such a great time at the pool this year.
Or if school just started so stinking early.
Or if my oldest is going into fourth grade.
But is makes me…sad, to start another year.
What about you?
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This is a conversation we’re having in the Ebates Savvy Living Community. I’m a Community Leader there and I love that we can weigh in about all sorts of crazy things (like laundry, parenting, fashion, cooking, and more.) I’d love to have you join me there and you can actually chime in from right here on Kansas City Mamas. I’ve embedded this conversation below.
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Disclosure: I have been compensated for my role as Community Leader in the Ebates Savvy Living Community. However, all opinions are my own.