If you are looking for alternative ways to earn some money from home, you may want to check out Jingit.
In a nutshell, you watch ads online (like the one above) on your laptop, desktop, iPhone or iPad and give your feedback and earn money.
Seriously, it is that easy.
You sign in with your existing Facebook account, then complete the 30 second registration process and start earning. Any time you see an ad with the Jingit logo online — at Jingit.com or on their partners’ sites (like Kraft) — click on it and earn.
You can earn up to five dollars per week. (And it should take you no more than a few minutes a day to do that. Most average $1.50 for five minutes.) And those $5.00 add up because it means $260 per year.
Start right now. Sign up for Jingit and start earning.
Laura D says
Do you know how you get paid for your time? Is is cash or giftcards?
Kelly says
Gift cards.