I need help.
My laundry situation is OUT of CONTROL.
I realize part of the issue is the spring time weather.
In the morning, it is too cold to wear shorts and a t-shirt.
In the afternoon, it is too hot to wear jeans and a sweatshirt.
But at this rate, I do double the laundry every week. And there is no-end-in-sight.
So how do you keep laundry at bay?
Are your kids on a one-outfit-per-day rule?
Do you make your husband do his own laundry? (That way he will remember to put his socks in the dirty clothes hamper.)
Or do you just put your head down and “git’r done”?
This is a conversation we’re having in the Ebates Savvy Living Community. I’m a Community Leader there and I love that we can weigh in about all sorts of crazy things (like laundry, fashion, cooking, parenting and more.) I’d love to have you join me there and you can actually chime in from right here on Kansas City Mamas. I’ve embedded this conversation below.
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Disclosure: I have been compensated for my role as Community Leader in the Ebates Savvy Living Community. However, all opinions are my own.