Interesting title, no?
The Dollar Shave Club is a program that will mail you (5) of Gillette Sensor-compatible “Ninja Blade” cartridges direct to your door.
And even better, I got to meet the CEO at the BlogHer last week. (Seriously, I know I sound like a broken record about the BlogHer connections, but some of these brands are worth telling you about among the hundred that weren’t.)
That’s a picture of me talking to the CEO at a party at BlogHer. Don’t tell Hubs – I said that he was in his late 50s. (Um, little white lie.)
There are three plans available:
- 24 Month Plan: 120 Razor Cartridges for $30 Shipped (includes a one time $6 flat shipping fee, making them only $.25 per cartridge)
- 12 Month Plan: 60 Razor Cartridges for $24 Shipped (includes a one time $6 flat shipping fee, making them only $.40 per cartridge)
- Month To Month Plan (for the commitment-phobic shaver): 5 Cartridges for $1.99 + $2 in shipping (each month that you choose to continue this plan)
And the great part – through the end of August you do not have to pay the enrollment fee. Yep, it is waived.
Now, I know some of you may be thinking, “Kel, you’ve taught me in coupon classes that I should never pay for razors again.”
This is true.
It is also true there are readers who would rather poke out their right eye than go to CVS or Walgreens every Sunday morning to pick up the free razors because if they wait till Tuesday they will be out of stock. So this is an alternative way to get inexpensive razors delivered every month and to take “razor buying” off your checklist.
Will this be for every couponer? Nope. But does it provide an inexpensive way to get quality razors without getting in your car ever again. Absolutely.
My thought – if you are interested – try Dollar Shave Club out for a month. The membership fee is waived through the end of the month, so you can figure out if it is a good plan for you or not.