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Chewy Ginger Cookies

The purpose of What’s For Dinner? is to provide you a recipe with items on sale this week, with no more than 10 ingredients (not including pantry items), and coming in at under $10 per meal.

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of attending a KC Food Bloggers Cookie Exchange and it was a blast.

But before I tell you about it, let’s time-travel to last week when I was invited.

(Close eyes and see swirly shapes while hearing Dana Carvey do the “Doodly-Do. Doodly-Do.” sound.)

Are you there? Because I was…..


You see, I consider myself a deal blogger who sometimes blogs about food.

And these…were real FOOD BLOGGERS. With amazing Nikon cameras and recipes with ingredients I’ve never heard of before. Some had presented with Pioneer Woman at BlogHer Food Conferences.

I was feeling out of my league.

So, I went to my handy-dandy blue binder. It’s the one that contains all my favorite recipes that aren’t in a cookbook. And I channeled my inner-Paula Dean and picked the recipe with the most butter or shortening – Chewy Ginger Cookies.

When in doubt…always use more butter.

So I gathered myself and my cookies and went to the exchange. I decided that even if my cookies were a bust, I could talk about how to get Green Giant vegetables for $.13 at Price Chopper this week and still feel good about my blogging skills.

However, I had no need to be worried. Because besides my cookies being “worthy”, it was getting to know these AWESOME ladies. They are all successful in their own right and they live in Kansas City. So if you are looking for a little cooking inspiration, check out these fabulous websites.

You can also roll the balls in sugar for added flavor.

What about you? Do you ever worry about your cooking skills? Share it with us via the comments or on the Kansas City Mamas Facebook Page.