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What’s For Dinner? Broadmoor Baking Fridays

The purpose of What’s For Dinner? is to provide you a recipe with items on sale this week, with no more than 10 ingredients (not including pantry items), and coming in at under $10 per meal.

In effort to keep the content fresh and to still talk about one of my passions – great food – each month I’ll take a What’s For Dinner? and feature a culinary hot-spot in the Kansas City area. I think it will be a way to showcase some of the cool things in our city.

Two years ago I read a small blip in my son’s school newsletter about the Broadmoor Technical Center at 83rd and Metcalf sponsoring a “Broodmoor Baking Friday” on an upcoming Friday.

As I dug around on the internet a little more, I realized this is a high school tech center that offers kids some pretty advance teachings in culinary arts, graphic design, computers, printing, video game design, etc. and that this Baking Day was a way for the kids to showcase some of their talents in the baking department.

So, I went. I wanted to see with my own two eyes and I thought it was cool to support high school students. I was expecting a couple of tables with some cookies and maybe a pie or two.

When I got there, I realized how wrong I was.

It was a full-on bakers delight. Four different breads (like rosemary, olive oil and sea salt), five pies, six cookies, cinnamon rolls, tarts, and more.

And it was DIRT cheap. It was first-rate bakers products for Walmart pricing. Needless to say – I spent $20 and came home with a huge box of baked goodies.

And I’ve been going back ever since.

This Friday, October 8, Broadmoor is hosting their first 2010-2011 school year Broadmoor Baking Friday. If you are in the area, or want to experience some amazing baked goodies while supporting some really cool high school kids – stop by. I promise you, you won’t be disappointed and you’ll end up taking some goodies home with you.

Do you have a “secret” budget friendly place? What is your favorite culinary place? Share it with me via the comments or on the Kansas City Mamas Facebook Page.