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Natural Oils for Anti Aging Skin Care

Natural Oils For Anti Aging | RedefinedMom.com

Natural Oils for Anti Aging Skin Care

Depending on how comfortable you are with DIY, what I’m about to tell you is either going to a) frighten you or b) excite you.

I want you to go to your kitchen right now and get out your coconut, olive and grapeseed oils.

Yeah, the ones you use for cooking and baking.

These precious oils not only keep your home-cooked meals light and healthy, but they also work double duty as effective makeup removers, oil cleansers and even lightweight moisturizers. The key is figuring out which oil is right for you.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is having a moment. It seems that the masses are just now starting to discover the magic of this vitamin E- and K-rich oil that is usually reserved for baking delicious treats.

But believe me, coconut oil can be a treat for your hair and skin!

Use a dime-sized dollop of oil on the ends of your hair for a deep conditioning treatment; you’ll be amazed at how soft and silky your hair feels post-shampoo.

If you need deep restoration, leave coconut oil in your hair overnight to get maximum benefits before shampooing it out.

Like most of the oils we’ll explore today, coconut oil is also an effective makeup remover (yes, even waterproof mascara!) and is makes for a lovely body oil. Apply it right out of the shower to lock in moisture and get that sexy sheen.

If you’re a fan of the light, tropical scent, coconut oil can easily replace your shaving cream, body oil, body lotion, makeup remover and moisturizer. Seriously, just swap out whatever else you’re using in these categories and give coconut a try.

I recommend coconut oil for those with normal, oily, dry and sensitive skin. Always spot- and sniff-test to ensure your skin and nose agree with the oil!

Olive Oil

Who hasn’t heard of the amazing benefits of olive oil?

Besides being a heart-healthy fat, it’s another vitamin-loaded skin soother that can help simplify your entire beauty routine if you open your mind to the idea of using your salad dressing as a beauty oil.

Olive oil can be used the same way coconut oil is used, but I especially recommend it to those who have dry skin. Olive oil is thicker and tends to linger a bit after removal, so dry skin can really benefit from the extra shot of hydration.

Oily-skinned folks can also use olive oil, but you just need a smaller amount to get the benefits. Consider your budget and skin type here — olive oil is widely available and for those with normal or oily skin, you won’t need as much, so you could save some money by choosing EVOO.

Grapeseed Oil

One of my first flirtations in this world of natural and DIY beauty was with my old pal, grapeseed oil.

While it may not be as common in some kitchens, it’s easy to track down at the local market (check the oil aisle).

Grapeseed oil is lighter than coconut and olive oils, making it the clear choice for those with oily skin. It’s loaded with antioxidants and omegas, which help keep free radicals at bay, and again is one of those amazing multipurpose oils.

If you’re looking for something that smells good right out of the bottle, grapeseed isn’t it; it’s actually quite scentless, so if you’re an essential oil lover, you can make your own beauty serum by adding your favorite scent (I love jasmine) to your grapeseed oil.

I recommend purchasing a dropper bottle (about $3-$5, depending on size) and mixing grapeseed oil with about five drops of your favorite scent.

Regardless of which oil you choose, remember to apply sparingly, always adding more if needed instead of trying to remove excess , and store your oils in a dark, cool place.

As you become more accustomed to oils, I’m excited to share even more exotic picks with you on Redefined Mom.

Facial oils are a passion of mine, and I’ve seen amazing results (and have saved a lot of money!) by choosing what nature has to offer instead of buying a fancy jar of cream crammed with cheap ingredients but surrounded by expensive packaging.

Want to learn more about natural beauty? Read more on kimberlyloc.com and follow me on Twitter @kimberlyloc; please do send your natural beauty questions my way via the comments or social media, and I may choose your topic to write about next time on Redefined Mom!

kim wallace kimberlylocKim Wallace is the founder and editor in chief of lifestyle and natural beauty blog kimberlyloc.com. She works full time as a social media and web editor for a nonprofit in Kansas City and spends her free time testing and reviewing green beauty products for kimberlyloc.com.