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Thirsty Thursday: The Art of A Good Gin & Tonic

Thirsty Thursday is the quest to drink good, cheap wine that is $10.00 and under. Want some more recommendations? Check out the past cheap wine posts on Thirsty Thursday.

The first day of summer is quickly approaching.

My screened-in-porch is power washed and the furniture has been dusted, washed, and fluffed.

We had nine yards of mulch delivered on Monday and have been spending time distributing it around the backyard.

I’ve purchased my bedding plants.

The fountain is working.

And I bought gin and tonic water.

I {love} wine. But there are some days when having a glass of wine doesn’t work. I crave something refreshing, clean, and lime flavored. (And the last descriptor should never be used with wine.) The weather was perfect yesterday, so I had my first gin and tonic of the season yesterday while sitting in my screened-in-porch and looking at all our mulch.

So in honor of the first one of the season – here is a sure-fire way to have an awesome “G&T” (Thanks Jay.)

Jay’s Famous Gin & Tonic


Good Gin – (I love Tanqueray or if you can afford it, Hendrick’s)
Good Tonic (Schwepps is the best, but I also enjoy Hy-Vee Brand Tonic Water. Any other generic tonic water is yucky.)
Fresh Limes
Pint Glass


(Follow these in order – for some reason if you skip around, it isn’t as good.)

1. Fill pint glass 3/4 full of ice.

2. Pour two fingers worth of gin into glass.

3. Cut lime into eight wedges and squeeze two wedges over ice. Feel free to put squeeze lime into glass too.

4. Fill glass with tonic water.

5. Stir.

6. Find a comfy place to enjoy the afternoon.

Or if you don’t like wine – take the Thirsty Thursday Wine List when you go wine shopping list.

What about you? Have a favorite non-wine and only during the summertime drink? Let me know in the comments or link up!