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The 20/20/20 Method – How Busy Moms Can Fuel Their Mind, Body, & Soul

When I turned 40, I realized I was an observer in my life. So I dedicated one-hour each day, in 20-minute blocks) on me and refueled my mind, body and soul. So simple, and so life changing and anyone can get started today.

Turning 40 was life-changing for me.

Not life-changing in that I was middle-aged or going to experience some mid-life crisis.

Quite the opposite. I found “me” again.

You see, during the last part of my 30s, I realized I was an OBSERVER in my life. Sure, I was present with my kids or my husband or extended family, but I was not ACTIVELY living my life. I was just WANDERING…I was UNINSPIRED, UNSATISFIED and in many ways, UNHAPPY.

The things that defined me in my early 20s and I had gotten “through” in my 30s (going to school, getting married, a career, becoming a parent, buying a house, etc.) weren’t defining me now. I wondered what’s next? Who was I going to be in the 2nd half of my life? How was I going to redefine myself?

Because I had no “absolute answer” for those questions, I started with “a 30-day realignment”. This wasn’t some fad-diet or cleanse, it was a purposeful realignment and fueling of the person that I had lost, “me”. I knew unless I found “me” again, I couldn’t make changes to other aspects of my life.

And because that 30-day realignment made such a difference in my own life, I’m sharing it and calling it the 20/20/20 Method.

20/20/20 Method – How Busy Moms Can Fuel Their Mind, Body & Soul

The 20/20/20 Method is pretty simple. Everyday you will spend 1 hour, in 20 minute increments, feeding your mind, your body, and your soul. For most women I know, finding an entire hour to focus on ourselves is hard. There are a million excuses we use, including:

Sound familiar?

And I was in the same boat. However, when I broke it out into 20 minute increments, it became easy to fit in to my schedule. I could do it in while picking the kids up from school or practice, before everyone else woke up in my house, or at night before I went to sleep.

When I turned 40, I realized I was an observer in my life. So I dedicated one-hour each day, in 20-minute blocks) on me and refueled my mind, body and soul. So simple, and so life changing and anyone can get started today.

Component One: Fueling Your Mind

It’s time to learn something new.

If you are like me, it’s been a LONG TIME since we were in school. And that means, it’s been a long time since we’ve actively learned anything.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve learned a few things since college, (like how to wrangle a baby into a diaper, how to drive in school drop off without road rage, etc.) but it wasn’t active learning, it was more of trial by fire.

So, for 30 days, set aside 20 minutes to read a non-fiction book, listen to a business podcast, take an online class, or do research into something interesting. (My latest obsession is how food and essential oils can heal the body.)

Fueling our minds and learning something new helps us find new hobbies, makes us feel empowered, and increases self-confidence. Plus, when was last time you learned something because you WANTED to?  Novel thought, isn’t it?

Ideas to Help Fuel Your Mind:

Times To Do It: 

Cool Thing:

If you stay at it for 30 days, you will have become a quasi-expert on any subject at the end of the month.

When I turned 40, I realized I was an observer in my life. So I dedicated one-hour each day, in 20-minute blocks) on me and refueled my mind, body and soul. So simple, and so life changing and anyone can get started today.

Component Two: Fueling Your Body

So it is time to get active!

For 20 minutes everyday, you are going to be moving.

Working out is so important for women. Done correctly, it alleviates stress, helps with self-confidence, increases energy, decreases appetite, increases brain function and concentration, and just makes for a happier you.

(Notice…I did NOT say anything about weight loss. This isn’t about your weight. This is about clearing your mind, getting the blood flowing, and feeling better.)

I fell in love with Bikini Body Mommy’s HIIT workouts (don’t let the name scare you – she is fully clothed during the workouts). The workouts are 20 minutes long and include both weight and cardio training. I also loved taking shorter two or two-and-a-half mile runs. I realized those 20 minute workouts made me more alert, gave me more energy, and helped me feel better about my body (because it wasn’t about weight, it was about strength).

Ideas To Help Fuel Your Body:

Times To Do It:

Cool Thing: You’ll not of only created a new healthy habit, but you may find your clothes fit better and you crave the time away to get your “workout fix” in.

When I turned 40, I realized I was an observer in my life. So I dedicated one-hour each day, in 20-minute blocks) on me and refueled my mind, body and soul. So simple, and so life changing and anyone can get started today.

Component Three: Fueling Your Soul

In all actuality, this component should come first. Because without it, none of the rest of it works.

In my late 30s, my faith was a HOT MESS.

In my 20s I was the poster child for women’s bible studies. I had done every Beth Moore, Andy Stanley, or Joyce Meyers study out there. I had taught a high-school girl’s bible study. I was a regular volunteer at our church’s nursery.

And then I quit.

Life got in the way. Something had to give, and I choose regular bible classes and volunteer opportunities. And then daily meditation time stopped. And pretty soon, I wasn’t doing anything. I was a HOT MESS.

Maybe you are in the same place? So for 20 minutes everyday, experience some sort of meditation/bible study/prayer…whatever you want to call it. But 20 minutes where you look outside of yourself, count your blessings, and look for something bigger and smarter than you.

In a world filled with endless distractions (both technological, but activity driven), we all need a little quiet time to center, get focused and hear a sweet whisper that reaches into our soul.

Ideas to Fuel Your Soul:

Times To Do It:

Cool Thing:

Who doesn’t want to be more centered, with better perspective and focus? Plus, this “meditation” habit is listed as one of the top habits by high-performing business leaders and entrepreneurs.

The End Result

I realize this isn’t rocket science, but sometimes we need a friend to help us organize our thoughts and actions.

My hope is if you are feeling uninspired, unsatisfied or unhappy, you’ll give the 20/20/20 Method a chance. All busy moms can fuel their mind, body and soul in less than an hour a day.

We deserve it and we are worth an hour a day to uncover the real “me”.