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Low Calorie Blender Chocolate Cherry Soft Serve Recipe

Looking to slay the chocolate lovin, ice cream beast within? This Low Calorie Chocolate Cherry Soft Serve Recipe is only 150 calories per serving. Enjoy decadence without breaking your diet. Eating good is hard. For some reason, a few days a month, there is a beast that invades my body and the only way it can be satisfied is if I eat ice cream or chocolate. And the beast, it likes a good sized amount of it. My waistline, not so much. My solution? This Low Calorie Blender Chocolate Cherry Soft Serve recipe. The trick to this recipe is to use frozen bananas as the base and add in dark chocolate covered dried fruit, like DOVE® Whole Fruit Dipped in Dark Chocolate. It’s the right amount of healthy and sinful to satisfy any ice cream, chocolate lovin’ beast. Dove Whole Fruit in Dark Chocolate DOVE® Whole Fruit Dipped in Dark Chocolate is available in three flavors – cranberry, cherry, and blueberry. I used cherry for this soft serve recipe because I like the tartness of cherry, but any one of them would be good. The best part? If you stay within the serving size, you’ll only eat 150 calories. Pretty amazing for something so decadent! Take that beast. You have been silenced. Looking to slay the chocolate lovin, ice cream beast within? This Low Calorie Chocolate Cherry Soft Serve Recipe is only 150 calories per serving. Enjoy decadence without breaking your diet.

Looking to slay the chocolate lovin, ice cream beast within? This Low Calorie Chocolate Cherry Soft Serve Recipe is only 150 calories per serving. Enjoy decadence without breaking your diet. What would your preferred #DoveFruit flavor be?

Disclosure: Compensation was provided by DOVE® Dark Chocolate via MomTrends. However, the written remarks and opinions are entirely my own. Want more information – check out my full disclosure statement.

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