Buy 5 Keebler Cookies or Crackers and Get a $10 Toy Voucher Buy Mail. Offer expires 12/31/2010 and is one per household.
Here are details:
1. Purchase 5 specially marked Keebler Cookie or Crackers or Kellogg’s Cereal from participating list.
2. Complete order form from inside specially marked boxes or download here (include toy cash tokens from boxes.)
3. Wait for your $10 Toy Voucher by mail.
Keebler® Sandies® Simply Shortbread cookies (12 ct/16 oz)
Keebler® Sandies® Chocolate Chip & Pecan Shortbread cookies (16 oz)
Keebler® Sandies® Pecan Shortbread cookies (Specially Marked)
Sunshine® Cheez-It® Party Mix (13 oz)
Keebler® Club® Crackers (16 oz)
Keebler® Town House® Original Crackers (16 oz)
Keebler® Club® Snack Sticks Original Crackers (12 oz)
Keebler® Toasteds® Party Pack Cracker Assortment (12 oz)
Keebler® Town House® Flipsides® Cheddar (11.7 oz)
Keebler® Town House® Flipsides® Original Crackers (11.7 oz)
Keebler® Sandies® Dark Chocolate Almond cookies (14.5 oz)
Keebler® Town House Toppers® Multi-Grain (13.5 oz)
Keebler® Sandies® Cashew Shortbread (14.5 oz)
Keebler® Town House® Flipsides® Garlic Herb (11.7 oz)
Keebler® Town House Toppers® Original Crackers (13.5 oz)
Keebler® Town House Toppers® Garlic & Herb (13.5 oz)