Now, it’s all about essential oils.
“What’s in my diffuser today!” or “Can’t live with these oils!” or “Thought my marriage was ending, but this oil saved it.”
(Okay, maybe I didn’t see the last one. Maybe.)
The oil-bandwagon is huge. Its ranks of #oilmamas, #oilfamily, #empoweredoil, and #happytooil are growing daily. Ready to apply, sniff, or lick an oil to solve most of life problems.
And those growing numbers excite me and sadden me at the same time.
You see, I’ve been using essential oils for almost three years.
My journey started innocently. I was cleaning the kitchen one day and realized I could not stand the overly chemical smell of the all-purpose cleaner I was using.
I asked a “crunchy” girlfriend for help and she gave me a simple all-purpose cleaner recipe: water, vinegar, dish soap and tea tree essential oil.
I loved the smell and the ability of this simple cleaner to do it’s job. I was giddy.
Fast forward a couple of years, and my daughter contracted Molluscum Contagiosum. It’s pretty common among kids, especially ones that go to the swimming pool all the time. I did a ton of research and outside of going to a dermatologist and having them physically removed (which was expensive and painful), there were no solutions except “wait it out” – which could mean 3 months or 3 years.
Then I stumbled on a kid’s health forum where several moms were discussing treating Molluscum Contagiosum with tea tree oil and bandaids. I was desperate. We tried it out for 30 days. Know what? It worked.
After that I was hooked. I used essential oils to help control my peri-menopause symptoms, to fight itch when my son got into a fight with poison ivy and lost, and to stop jigger-bites from interrupting precious summer sleep.
I was a budding oil mama. However, I was still a learning oil mama, so I kept to myself. I wanted to make sure I was “smart” before I shared it publicly with any one, including you, my blog readers.
And then a couple of months ago, I got really sad and mad at the same time.
I had girlfriends who purchased essential oil starter kits and told me they didn’t know what to do with them. They admitted to being too scared to put the oils on their bodies, so they just diffused a yummy smelling oil every day. They had been doing this for three months.
It’s not that a diffused oil shouldn’t smell nice, (I’ve got an orange, lemon and lavender mixture going right now), but there should be a reason behind the mixture (for me, this mixture helps keep me FOCUSED to finish this article). In the end, my friends had a really high-priced Glade-Plugin without the chemicals. So, I sat down and shared what I had learned about essential oils, and their faces went from relief to excitement.
There is money to be made through essential oils. And where there is money, there are sales. And all too often, there is never any education to go with the sale outside of “put the oil in the diffuser.” The sale is made. The education is done. And that makes me sad, because oils are a great thing.
(Please know, I’m not talking about every person who talks/sells oils. I have good, good friends who are incredibly educated about oils and I respect greatly.)
So, I decided it’s time for me to share my oil journey and help all of us to get educated in the process.
So, if you want to talk about essential oils, I’d love to have a conversation. Just make sure you are talking to me about the value of the oils, and not just to make another sale. Otherwise, I will punch you in the face. Not really, but maybe.
You can read about how a regular person uses essential oils in her life.