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Grocery Cart Confessionals: Shopping With Kids

Today’s post comes from my friend, Kim, who is the author of The Coupon High. She shares her love for the “coupon high” we all get when we save a ton of money everyday on her blog and today she is talking about shopping with the kiddos.

Love saving money with coupons, but avoid or dread doing it because you have your children with you? Well I have some helpful hints that might just save the day. They are broken into two parts of the shopping trip: Shopping and Checking Out. 


Checking Out

I also let them look at the magazines as long as they are careful with them, and check to make sure they are all in place before we leave.

I have two other bits of advice. 

Those are just my ideas, I would love to hear what other’s do to keep from going nuts while Couponing with Kids in Tow.