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Couponing 101: Step #6, Make a Meal Plan

Creating a meal plan and a shopping list go hand-in-hand. By working on both of these steps at the same time, you only need to check your stockpile once and you should have your meal plan for the week. 

It all depends on the size of your family and how often you go out to eat, but for most families, plan for between 3 – 5 meals per week. Look to items in your dry goods pantry and your freezer to come up for meals that week. If you need additional items to create those meals, add them to on your shopping list. But remember, the goal is to use as many items in your stockpile as possible. So while it is okay to get a couple of ingredients per meal, you shouldn’t be buying six or seven.

If you need inspiration, try looking at these websites:

By creating a 7-Day meal plan, you don’t have to make multiple trips to the store or have a “5 o’clock what am I gonna make” moment. Plus, you’ll be able to focus on buying additional stockpile items for future weeks. Before long, you will be able to create 2-week or 4-week meal plans with your stockpile items.