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BlogHer – My Top 10 Items From 2012 – Audible, Xbox Kinect Sesame Street & Lifeproof (Part One)

During the first week of August, I was able to attend a blogging conference called “BlogHer 2012” which was in New York City.

Beyond spending time with my online friends in real-life, I love attending BlogHer because it gives me a heads up about some of the hot items and properties for the upcoming Holiday Season and year.

Having this preview, allows me find deals on these hot properties (anyone remember Skylanders or LeapPads last year) earlier rather than later.

So over the next fews days, I’ll be sharing my top finds with you and hopefully we will find a couple of deals to go with them too.

The first two finds came from The Big Toy Book Sweet Suite 2012.

1. Kinect Sesame Street TV for Xbox 360.

In September, Sesame Street TV will be released for Xbox Kinect at a $29.99 price point.

There are two things I love about Sesame Street TV. First, it will be a 2-way TV experience with Sesame Street characters and your little one. The technology allows the characters to ask specific questions to your children, like color of their shirt, while including your child’s picture in Sesame Street episodes. So each child is truly part of the show and learning along the way.

But what made me scream with delight (and what you won’t find in any of the sell sheets) is Kinect Sesame Street TV comes with tokens that allow you to unlock the ENTIRE Sesame Street Library in Xbox Live. The ENTIRE catalog – so you will have any Sesame Street Episode on Demand anytime you want it. For $29.99 – I think that is a steal and would have kissed the entire Xbox staff if this would have been available when my kiddos were little.

2. Audible.com

Audible.com is an audible book superstore.

And it was just purchased by Amazon.

This excites me because I’m hoping that Audible Books become part of the Amazon Prime Lending Library.

But even if they don’t, Audible.com is amazing. They have a killer app that allows you to download books and listen at your leisure and the app is so sensitive that it knows EXACTLY where you stopped and starts right there again.

I love books. But I don’t have the time to read everything I want to read – Audible.com (and their killer app) lets me download books at leisure and listen to them while I’m doing chores, running errands, working out, or waiting for the kids during activities.

And right now they are offering a 30-day free trial that also includes a FREE audio book.

3. Lifeproof Cases

I own several Otterbox Cases. And I love them. They have saved my precious iPhone more times than I care to count.

But my beef with Otterbox is they can be REALLY BULKY.

I would love to have a case that is as slick as my iPhone and protects it as well as Otterbox.

Enter Lifeproof.

Lifeproof cases are sleek, slim, waterproof, shatterproof, and Kelly proof. In the EXPO hall at BlogHer, they had an iPhone playing Finding Nemo is a fishbowl full of water for the entire day. And because I really wanted to know if these cases were as good as they claim, I went back at the end of the day to see the phone. You know what – it was as dry as could be inside the case.

I understand these cases are EXPENSIVE, but if you are clumsy like me, would cry a thousand tears if your iPhone got wrecked and are vain about the look of your phone…you have to check out Lifeproof. You’ll be sold in a minute.

And later on this week, I’ll share some of my other favorite products from BlogHer 2012.