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#AveenoDailyChallenge Update – Am I Hydrating, Moving, and Nourishing More?


Last week, I told you that I’m taking part in the #aveenodailychalleng by “attempting” to hydrate more, move more, and nourish more. I purchased some tools to help me accomplish my goals and had a plan in place….so how did I do this first week?

I wish I could tell you that I lost five pounds and had as much energy as I did in my 20s…but, not so much.

Here is a brief recap…

Goal #1: Hydrate More

My goal: 2.5 quarts per day
My tool: The Fruit Infusion Water Pichter

I have to tell you, having that pitcher (with the beautiful fruit in it) was a motivator to drink more water. It was good to have a constant reminder every time I opened the fridge. And that constant reminder, coupled with a system to see how much water I had consumed, helped me drink more water this week. Did I drink 2.5 quarts everyday? No. But I am drinking more water than previously and I also am noticing that sometimes I’m really thirsty, not hungry.

Goal #2: Move More

My goal: Working out between 30 – 40 minutes per day with a mix of running, HIIT workouts, and ab exercises (aka planks) for five days per week.
My tool: So in order to really see how many calories I’m burning, I bought a new Polar Heart Rate/Monitor Watch.

I love my new Polar watch….this is the third one I’ve owned and I think it is my new favorite. My workouts this week were a little sporadic. Out of the last seven days, I’ve worked out three. In all fairness, it was a tough week filled with my kid’s school carnival (and I was in charge of the silent auction) and two speaking engagements. I weighed myself this morning and I’m the same weight as last week – so nothing gained or lost.

Goal #3: Nourish More

My goal: Remember to take all of my vitamins and supplements

Um…this is embarrassing, but the pill case still has the plastic wrap on it. So I’d say it was an EPIC FAIL.

But, I have been diligent and using my AVEENO® Daily Moisturizing Lotion each day to nourish my body on the outside.

(Thank GOODNESS I have a least ONE STAR moment from last week.)

I’ll be updating my ups and downs each Friday over the next few weeks. And you can find about all of the bloggers and their #aveenodailychallenge on Aveeno’s Facebook Page.

Disclosure: This post was written on behalf for Aveeno and I am a sponsored Aveeno Ambassador. However, the written remarks and opinions about donating and serving in the community are entirely my own. Want more information – check out my full disclosure statement.